Laura, Warren and Phyllis, attended a memorial service at Children's Hospital in Boston on Thursday night. It was a very meaningful and special service.
Today there is a group of folks from Dover Baptist coming over to help Jon with work outside of their house. We are so grateful for the love, support and care that the folks from Dover have provided to the kids.
Please pray for Laura as she was having a very difficult time last night. While we know that this is a part of the grieving process, the reality of Lindsay being in heaven is sinking in. I know that your prayers and notes of encouragement will mean so much right now.
Can you believe that the blog has gone over 41,000+ hits. Wow.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Memorial Service Video
Here is the link to view Lindsay's Memorial Service. We appreciate Dover Baptist Church for making this available for our "Blog Family!"
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Don't Stop Writing
I was amazed and pleased this morning to see that the blog is fast approaching 40,000 hits! I don't know why I am so amazed, but I is so humbling for us to see how you are still standing with Laura, Jon, and Tanner.
Some of you have walked through the valley of grief and can give testimony to the fact that God saw you THROUGH the preparations, viewing, funeral, and the aftermath of activities related to the "funeral" process. God's sustaining grace has certainly been a reality for all of us.
And God WILL be faithful to see the kids through this next phase. Often He uses His people to help come alongside of grieving families to encourage and lift up.
The kids took a few days to get away -- just the three of them. They are trying to adapt to a new "normal." Normal is going to look very different for months to come.
I want to encourage you today -- send a word of encouragement to Jon, Laura and Tanner today. As one grief writer said, "It's after the flowers are gone that we need each other!"
Thanks for being an encourager!
Some of you have walked through the valley of grief and can give testimony to the fact that God saw you THROUGH the preparations, viewing, funeral, and the aftermath of activities related to the "funeral" process. God's sustaining grace has certainly been a reality for all of us.
And God WILL be faithful to see the kids through this next phase. Often He uses His people to help come alongside of grieving families to encourage and lift up.
The kids took a few days to get away -- just the three of them. They are trying to adapt to a new "normal." Normal is going to look very different for months to come.
I want to encourage you today -- send a word of encouragement to Jon, Laura and Tanner today. As one grief writer said, "It's after the flowers are gone that we need each other!"
Thanks for being an encourager!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
A Testimony of Impact
We are starting to hear stories of how Lindsay's life has had a impact on people's lives. As we hear them, we will put them on the blog for your encouragement.
The following article was written by the Mom of our "adopted" son, Brian Bitler. Sherry serves on the full-time staff at Glasgow Reformed Presbyterian Church in Bear, Delaware. Our family attended the church during the years we served at Sandy Cove Ministries.
This week, Butch and I (and Ellen and JoLynn) took turns watchingour two young grandsons from New Jersey. Their mom and dad were at Children's Hospital in Boston with their dear friends who were watching their precious 22 month old fight for her life.
From Tuesday through Friday, they sat with them, helped them care for their 3 year old son, brought food, read encouragement from the Word, shared wisdom(our daughter-in-law is a critical care heart nurse at Deborah Heart and Lung Hospital), cried with them, prayed, and prayed more.
Friday afternoon at 1 PM little Lindsay’s heartgave out, she took her last breath on earth and entered Heaven. Here at home, we went about the usual things a 3 year oldand a 5 year old do....and don't do. Each of us in the family trying to fit this unexpected visit into our schedule, privileged to be even an indirect part of ministry to this hurting family. In the evenings after the house was once again quiet, we would check the blog for the latest information on Lindsay. We would also talk on the phone with our son. We would pray.
I am amazed at how much this tiny little life has touched me - and I have never met her. I am amazed at the compassion I feel for this family- the mom I have known since she was a young girl, but haven't seen in years - the dad I have never met. They are probably 25 years old. Such a heavy burden. I am so thankful they belong to Him and have strong, Christian family to help hold them through the grief.
Worshipping on Sunday morning, totally aware that Lindsay is with Jesus; and that her parents and grandparents have a painful hole in their hearts that will never be filled until they are in Heaven with her, was heart wrenching and I could not hold the tears. Sometimes singing praises to Him also lets the pain and the lack of understanding seep out. I could feel myself intentionally and deliberately pronouncing the words of PRAISE and TRUST and ADORATION as if I could force myself to overcome the disappointment that God didn't provide a miracle for this family by verbalizing what I know is true - begging my mind to override my emotion.
We serve a sovereign God - sometimes that is a great comfort, sometimes that is very difficult to bear. But it is truth. Lam. 3:31-32 - Men are not cast off by the Lord forever. Though he brings grief, he will show compassion, so great is his unfailing love. For he does not willingly bring affliction or grief to the children of men.
I am thankful Lindsay's story pointed me to this verse this week. I am thankful her grandparents took the time to share her story with us in the midst of their pain. I am praying for all the lives she touched and thankful for the Kingdom building that was accomplished through her short life on earth. Someday, I will understand more.
Thanks, Sherry, for sharing this testimony.
The following article was written by the Mom of our "adopted" son, Brian Bitler. Sherry serves on the full-time staff at Glasgow Reformed Presbyterian Church in Bear, Delaware. Our family attended the church during the years we served at Sandy Cove Ministries.
This week, Butch and I (and Ellen and JoLynn) took turns watchingour two young grandsons from New Jersey. Their mom and dad were at Children's Hospital in Boston with their dear friends who were watching their precious 22 month old fight for her life.
From Tuesday through Friday, they sat with them, helped them care for their 3 year old son, brought food, read encouragement from the Word, shared wisdom(our daughter-in-law is a critical care heart nurse at Deborah Heart and Lung Hospital), cried with them, prayed, and prayed more.
Friday afternoon at 1 PM little Lindsay’s heartgave out, she took her last breath on earth and entered Heaven. Here at home, we went about the usual things a 3 year oldand a 5 year old do....and don't do. Each of us in the family trying to fit this unexpected visit into our schedule, privileged to be even an indirect part of ministry to this hurting family. In the evenings after the house was once again quiet, we would check the blog for the latest information on Lindsay. We would also talk on the phone with our son. We would pray.
I am amazed at how much this tiny little life has touched me - and I have never met her. I am amazed at the compassion I feel for this family- the mom I have known since she was a young girl, but haven't seen in years - the dad I have never met. They are probably 25 years old. Such a heavy burden. I am so thankful they belong to Him and have strong, Christian family to help hold them through the grief.
Worshipping on Sunday morning, totally aware that Lindsay is with Jesus; and that her parents and grandparents have a painful hole in their hearts that will never be filled until they are in Heaven with her, was heart wrenching and I could not hold the tears. Sometimes singing praises to Him also lets the pain and the lack of understanding seep out. I could feel myself intentionally and deliberately pronouncing the words of PRAISE and TRUST and ADORATION as if I could force myself to overcome the disappointment that God didn't provide a miracle for this family by verbalizing what I know is true - begging my mind to override my emotion.
We serve a sovereign God - sometimes that is a great comfort, sometimes that is very difficult to bear. But it is truth. Lam. 3:31-32 - Men are not cast off by the Lord forever. Though he brings grief, he will show compassion, so great is his unfailing love. For he does not willingly bring affliction or grief to the children of men.
I am thankful Lindsay's story pointed me to this verse this week. I am thankful her grandparents took the time to share her story with us in the midst of their pain. I am praying for all the lives she touched and thankful for the Kingdom building that was accomplished through her short life on earth. Someday, I will understand more.
Thanks, Sherry, for sharing this testimony.
Friday, May 23, 2008
How Beautiful Heaven Must Be
I woke up last night around 1:00 AM and was having a hard ti
me processing all the events of the past seven weeks. We had left our radio on and it was tuned to the XMradio southern gospel station, ENLIGHTEN (don't tell anyone I was listening to southern gospel.) It "just so happened" that the song being aired at that time was an old song, HOW BEAUTIFUL HEAVEN MUST BE. It really ministered to my heart in a special way.

Lindsay Bear, Pop-Pop misses you so much!
We read of a place that’s called heaven,
It’s made for the pure and the free;
These truths in God’s Word He hath given,
How beautiful heaven must be.
How beautiful heaven must be,
Sweet home of the happy and free;
Fair heaven of rest for the weary,
How beautiful heaven must be.
How beautiful heaven must be.
In heaven no drooping nor pining,
No wishing for elsewhere to be;
God’s light is forever there shining,
How beautiful heaven must be.
Pure waters of life there are flowing,
And all who will drink may be free;
Rare jewels of splendor are glowing,
How beautiful heaven must be.
The angels so sweetly are singing,
Up there by the beautiful sea;
Sweet chords from their gold harps are ringing,
How beautiful heaven must be.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Lindsay Bear slideshow
Here is a link to view the 25 minute slideshow that my brother Aaron whipped up for the service last night. It ran from 5:30 to 7:30, so if you were not there last night, or didn't come's the place to check it out.
Wednesday Morning Update
Thank you for praying for Laura, Jon, and Tanner last night. The Lord gave strength, peace and comfort. The Memorial Service was a wonderful tribute to Lindsay's legacy, and most of all, the Lord received the glory!
A thrill for Laura and Jon was to have three of their nurses from Children's Boston Hospital present. (Left to right -- Auntie Moira (Meow), Lauren, Joanna). We are so thankful for the loving care that they provided not only to Lindsay, but also to Jon, Laura, Tanner, Warren & Phyllis, and Jan.
We also want to thank the many ladies from MOPS who have supported Laura and the family with cookies, goodies, and most all, lots of hugs. Laura is going to need you all now more than ever! Keep lovin' her.
Watch the blog for information as to when the DVD/CD of the memorial service will be available. We will also be posting the power point presentation that was prepared by Jon's brother, Aaron. Great job, Aaron!
Over 140 people were watching the simulcast last night. Thanks to Dover Baptist Church for providing this service as well as taking care of the e-giving, food, providing the facility for our use. Thanks, Pastor Ken and Cindy, for all you have done for our kids.
It was good to meet so many of our "blogger" family last night. God used Lindsay to create a special family that have rejoiced when we rejoiced and have wept with us as we have wepts. Your prayers and encouragement have been a huge blessing to us.
We will be keeping the blog open so that our family can post entries from time to time. I am checking on how you can receive email notification when a new entry is made on the blog.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for taking this journey with us. In closing, here is the poem that our daughter, Julie, read last night. The original poem was written by Jan's Mom who lost a little girl. The kids adapted the poem for Lindsay:
Lord, we gave our little girl to Thee
before she breathed a breath
But e’re she came into the world
she soon bowed her head in death
And though we know not why Lord,
we know it’s in your plan.
And someday in the glory,
we’ll know and understand.
For she belonged to you Lord,
For she belonged to you Lord,
right from the very start,
And when you took her from us,
it nearly broke our heart.
And Lord it wasn’t easy
as the tears flowed down our face
And yet we felt Thy Presence
and Thy overflowing GRACE.
The hours, as they dragged along,
seemed endless it is true,
And still in spite of all the pain
we knew you’d see us through.
We knew because You promised
and You’re faithful to Your Word
And lots of folks were praying
and we knew that You had heard.
How folks can live without YOU,
How folks can live without YOU,
Lord, is a mystery,
They’ll trust in almost anything
instead of faith in THEE.
They’ll trust in their religion
or in anything man made
When all they need is Jesus
who died their soul to save.
So thank you Lord for courage,
So thank you Lord for courage,
for strength and grace from Thee
And help us keep on trusting
till someday HER face we see.
God bless you.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Tuesday Morning Update
Thank you again for the outpouring of love and support that have been shown to Laura, Jon and Tanner. Tonight is the memorial service for Lindsay Bear and I know that the kids will appreciate your prayers.
Thanks to the folks at Dover Baptist Church, you will be able to listen to the service tonight by visiting this website: The service will begin approximately at 7:30 PM.
We will try and put a link for the service on the blog for those of you that can't get hear it through the church link, and can send you a CD upon request.
I would also encourage you to listen to today's SONGTIME broadcast with Dr. John DeBrine. He gave us an opportunity to share some of the things we have learned through this experience:
Thanks to the folks at Dover Baptist Church, you will be able to listen to the service tonight by visiting this website: The service will begin approximately at 7:30 PM.
We will try and put a link for the service on the blog for those of you that can't get hear it through the church link, and can send you a CD upon request.
I would also encourage you to listen to today's SONGTIME broadcast with Dr. John DeBrine. He gave us an opportunity to share some of the things we have learned through this experience:
Keep your blogs coming! They are encouraging the kids and all of the family. We love you.
Keep your blogs coming! They are encouraging the kids and all of the family. We love you.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Sunday Update
We appreciate the outpouring of love, encouragement, and prayers that have been extended to the kids. Several folks have emailed to ask how you can minister to the kids. Here are several suggestions:
1. If you'd like to send a card to Laura, Jon and Tanner, here is their address.
1226 First Crown Point Road
Strafford, NH 03884
2. One of our friends suggested that people still buy bracelets ($5.00) as a reminder to pray for the kids. She said she turned her bracelet inside out and just have the pink side showing. For those of you that have gone through grief, you know that it is after the services and flowers are gone, that it is the hardest.
3. Send Tanner a card. I know that he is going to really miss Lindsay.
Later on today we will post directions to the church. I am also going to see if the church will record the service so that we can put the audio on the blog for those of you that would be interested.
I know that each night the kids are reading through the blog entries. Thank you for doing that.
1. If you'd like to send a card to Laura, Jon and Tanner, here is their address.
1226 First Crown Point Road
Strafford, NH 03884
2. One of our friends suggested that people still buy bracelets ($5.00) as a reminder to pray for the kids. She said she turned her bracelet inside out and just have the pink side showing. For those of you that have gone through grief, you know that it is after the services and flowers are gone, that it is the hardest.
3. Send Tanner a card. I know that he is going to really miss Lindsay.
Later on today we will post directions to the church. I am also going to see if the church will record the service so that we can put the audio on the blog for those of you that would be interested.
I know that each night the kids are reading through the blog entries. Thank you for doing that.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Lindsay's Memorial Service
Thank you for your continued prayers for Laura, Jon and Tanner. God's grace IS sufficient and He is giving them His peace and comfort.
The service for Lindsay will be as follows:
Tuesday, May 2o, 2008 at Dover Baptist Church
5:30-7:30 PM -- Visitation for family and friends
7:30 PM -- Memorial Service
Interment will be private at a later date.
Dover Baptist is located at 151 Washington Street, Dover, New Hampshire
You can sign onto the church website for directions:
In lieu of flowers, you can send Memorial Gifts to the Lindsay Groen Memorial Fund through Dover Baptist Church.
If you cannot attend the service, you can leave a message on the blog. The kids are reading every message.
The service for Lindsay will be as follows:
Tuesday, May 2o, 2008 at Dover Baptist Church
5:30-7:30 PM -- Visitation for family and friends
7:30 PM -- Memorial Service
Interment will be private at a later date.
Dover Baptist is located at 151 Washington Street, Dover, New Hampshire
You can sign onto the church website for directions:
In lieu of flowers, you can send Memorial Gifts to the Lindsay Groen Memorial Fund through Dover Baptist Church.
If you cannot attend the service, you can leave a message on the blog. The kids are reading every message.
Friday, May 16, 2008
She Has Fought A Good Fight and Has Won The Race

At 1:00 PM, Lindsay "Bear" Groen closed her eyes on this side of heaven and opened them in the presence of Jesus. She now has a brand new heart -- one better than any Berlin Heart or transplant could ever give her.
The entire family had the opportunity to be with Laura, Jon and Tanner as she slipped into eternity.
We want to thank the hundreds of thousands of the new family that Lindsay brought together because of her time at Children's Hospital Boston. The outpouring of love, prayers, cards, gifts, and encouragement has been overwhelming.
We also want to thank the doctor's, nurses, and technicians, for the amazing care that they provided to Lindsay and our family. We are most grateful for their love and compassion even up until her very last breath.
Please watch the blog for details and where to direct any Memorial Gifts. I know that the kids would love to hear from you, so don't stop blogging.
Friday Morning
Lindsay did not have a good night. Her condition from what the nurses have said has turned in the wrong direction. Dr. Mayer was called in the middle of the night and the attending physician called to talk with Laura and Jon. There are blood pressure, breathing and output issues.
The big question now is the next step. My guess is that there will be much discussion as to whether or not they will be able to proceed with the surgery.
Year's ago, Jan's Mom wrote a daily devotional. Laura had the devotion opened to today's reading: GOD IS MY ROCK ... Mom Toms wrote: "God is my ROCK. Praise be to MY ROCK. He is my fortress, I will never be shaken. He is my mighty ROCK, my refuge. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire, HE set my feet on a ROCK and gave me a firm foundation ... All these precious verses, and there are lots more, that tell me that my God is a sure foundation. My feet are standing on the Rock of my salvation not any longer on the mud and mire of my sin. He picked me up and set me firmly in HIM. Since my house is on a foundation of ROCK, it matters not what winds and waves blow on it, it WILL NOT FALL. I am secure, safe, protected, and above all, LOVED. Praise the Lord!"
Please pray that God's WILL will prevail today. Pray for Laura, Jon and Tanner as they face this new day of trusting Him for Lindsay's life.
The big question now is the next step. My guess is that there will be much discussion as to whether or not they will be able to proceed with the surgery.
Year's ago, Jan's Mom wrote a daily devotional. Laura had the devotion opened to today's reading: GOD IS MY ROCK ... Mom Toms wrote: "God is my ROCK. Praise be to MY ROCK. He is my fortress, I will never be shaken. He is my mighty ROCK, my refuge. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire, HE set my feet on a ROCK and gave me a firm foundation ... All these precious verses, and there are lots more, that tell me that my God is a sure foundation. My feet are standing on the Rock of my salvation not any longer on the mud and mire of my sin. He picked me up and set me firmly in HIM. Since my house is on a foundation of ROCK, it matters not what winds and waves blow on it, it WILL NOT FALL. I am secure, safe, protected, and above all, LOVED. Praise the Lord!"
Please pray that God's WILL will prevail today. Pray for Laura, Jon and Tanner as they face this new day of trusting Him for Lindsay's life.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Thursday Evening Update
Urgent Prayer Request
Dr. Mayer has scheduled surgery for 1:00 PM tomorrow afternoon pending no complications tonight and several equipment pieces that need to arrive by tomorrow. This will be open heart surgery and obviously has major risks.
Lindsay has been very stable throughout the day and has rested comfortably. Please pray for Heather as she cares for her tonight, and that nurse Auntie Moira will get a good night rest for tomorrow.
Please pray that Laura, Jon and Tanner will have a good night of rest as well as an infusion of Philippians 4:6-8 "peace" and Duet. 31:8 trust.
Laura just shared with me the passage that the Lord gave her today: John 4:46-54 "And there was a certain royal official whose son lay sick at Capernaum. 47 When this man heard that Jesus had arrived in Galilee from Judea, he went to him and begged him to come and heal his son, who was close to death. 48 "Unless you people see miraculous signs and wonders," Jesus told him, "you will never believe." 49 The royal official said, "Sir, come down before my child dies." 50 Jesus replied, "You may go. Your son will live." The man took Jesus at his word and departed. 51 While he was still on the way, his servants met him with the news that his boy was living. 52 When he inquired as to the time when his son got better, they said to him, "The fever left him yesterday at the seventh hour." 53 Then the father realized that this was the exact time at which Jesus had said to him, "Your son will live." So he and all his household believed. 54 This was the second miraculous sign that Jesus performed, having come from Judea to Galilee." By the way -- Laura looked at the foot note and the seventh hour is 1:00 PM!!!
Again we thank you for your prayers and for your partnership.
Like a river glorious, is God’s perfect peace,
Over all victorious, in its bright increase;
Perfect, yet it floweth, fuller every day,
Perfect, yet it groweth, deeper all the way.
Stayed upon Jehovah, hearts are fully blest
Finding, as He promised, perfect peace and rest.
Hidden in the hollow of His blessed hand,
Never foe can follow, never traitor stand;
Not a surge of worry, not a shade of care,
Not a blast of hurry touch the spirit there.
Every joy or trial falleth from above,
Traced upon our dial by the Sun of Love;
We may trust Him fully all for us to do.
They who trust Him wholly find Him wholly true.
Dr. Mayer has scheduled surgery for 1:00 PM tomorrow afternoon pending no complications tonight and several equipment pieces that need to arrive by tomorrow. This will be open heart surgery and obviously has major risks.
Lindsay has been very stable throughout the day and has rested comfortably. Please pray for Heather as she cares for her tonight, and that nurse Auntie Moira will get a good night rest for tomorrow.
Please pray that Laura, Jon and Tanner will have a good night of rest as well as an infusion of Philippians 4:6-8 "peace" and Duet. 31:8 trust.
Laura just shared with me the passage that the Lord gave her today: John 4:46-54 "And there was a certain royal official whose son lay sick at Capernaum. 47 When this man heard that Jesus had arrived in Galilee from Judea, he went to him and begged him to come and heal his son, who was close to death. 48 "Unless you people see miraculous signs and wonders," Jesus told him, "you will never believe." 49 The royal official said, "Sir, come down before my child dies." 50 Jesus replied, "You may go. Your son will live." The man took Jesus at his word and departed. 51 While he was still on the way, his servants met him with the news that his boy was living. 52 When he inquired as to the time when his son got better, they said to him, "The fever left him yesterday at the seventh hour." 53 Then the father realized that this was the exact time at which Jesus had said to him, "Your son will live." So he and all his household believed. 54 This was the second miraculous sign that Jesus performed, having come from Judea to Galilee." By the way -- Laura looked at the foot note and the seventh hour is 1:00 PM!!!
Again we thank you for your prayers and for your partnership.
Like a river glorious, is God’s perfect peace,
Over all victorious, in its bright increase;
Perfect, yet it floweth, fuller every day,
Perfect, yet it groweth, deeper all the way.
Stayed upon Jehovah, hearts are fully blest
Finding, as He promised, perfect peace and rest.
Hidden in the hollow of His blessed hand,
Never foe can follow, never traitor stand;
Not a surge of worry, not a shade of care,
Not a blast of hurry touch the spirit there.
Every joy or trial falleth from above,
Traced upon our dial by the Sun of Love;
We may trust Him fully all for us to do.
They who trust Him wholly find Him wholly true.
Mid-morning update
Thanks for praying and writing on the blog. The encouragement is needed and helpful.
The good news is that they had to insert a new pic line which resolved the bleeding issues in the left hand. The new line is in her right hand and went in very smoothly.
Moira was pleased that she urinated this morning. Her blood pressures seem to have come under control. The chest xray showed improvement as well.
The Berlin Heart and devices have arrived. That is a huge answer to prayer.
Right now the team has begun their assessments. Pray for wisdom.
Moira shared very openly with Laura that they are reaching a point with some of the meds where there is no further place to go. The medication to control the heart rhythms is at the max point. She shared that if Lindsay were not a Children's Hospital Boston, the medical profession would have probably recommended giving up. We are thankful that God has led us here.
The Lord has reminded me over and over again this morning that Lindsay's life is in HIS hands. While He is using the doctors and nurses as HIS instruments, ultimately Lindsay can't be in a better place. The God who created her in Laura's womb is the God who is giving her breath today.
Under His wings I am safely abiding,
Though the night deepens and tempests are wild,
Still I can trust Him; I know He will keep me,
He has redeemed me, and I am His child.
Under His wings, under His wings,
Who from His love can sever?
Under His wings my soul shall abide,
Safely abide forever.
Under His wings, what a refuge in sorrow!
How the heart yearningly turns to His rest!
Often when earth has no balm for my healing,
There I find comfort, and there I am blessed.
Under His wings, oh, what precious enjoyment!
There will I hide till life’s trials are o’er;
Sheltered, protected, no evil can harm me,
Resting in Jesus, I’m safe evermore.
The good news is that they had to insert a new pic line which resolved the bleeding issues in the left hand. The new line is in her right hand and went in very smoothly.
Moira was pleased that she urinated this morning. Her blood pressures seem to have come under control. The chest xray showed improvement as well.
The Berlin Heart and devices have arrived. That is a huge answer to prayer.
Right now the team has begun their assessments. Pray for wisdom.
Moira shared very openly with Laura that they are reaching a point with some of the meds where there is no further place to go. The medication to control the heart rhythms is at the max point. She shared that if Lindsay were not a Children's Hospital Boston, the medical profession would have probably recommended giving up. We are thankful that God has led us here.
The Lord has reminded me over and over again this morning that Lindsay's life is in HIS hands. While He is using the doctors and nurses as HIS instruments, ultimately Lindsay can't be in a better place. The God who created her in Laura's womb is the God who is giving her breath today.
Under His wings I am safely abiding,
Though the night deepens and tempests are wild,
Still I can trust Him; I know He will keep me,
He has redeemed me, and I am His child.
Under His wings, under His wings,
Who from His love can sever?
Under His wings my soul shall abide,
Safely abide forever.
Under His wings, what a refuge in sorrow!
How the heart yearningly turns to His rest!
Often when earth has no balm for my healing,
There I find comfort, and there I am blessed.
Under His wings, oh, what precious enjoyment!
There will I hide till life’s trials are o’er;
Sheltered, protected, no evil can harm me,
Resting in Jesus, I’m safe evermore.
Thursday morning update
Good morning, prayer partners. Auntie Moira reported that Lindsay had a very hard night. She had some issues with heart rythmns and blood pressure that were a great concern. She is stable this morning, but Moira said, "It's time for the Berlin Heart!"
Today is a critical day in terms of the assessment of whether or not they will the procedure. We are asking our thousands of prayer partners, comprised of family and friends from all over the world, to join us in praying that God would allow us to move forward.
Please pray for peace for Laura and Jon today. I know that today is one of those days when your comments on the blog will be most appreciated.
Thanks for partnering with us at the throne of grace ...
Today is a critical day in terms of the assessment of whether or not they will the procedure. We are asking our thousands of prayer partners, comprised of family and friends from all over the world, to join us in praying that God would allow us to move forward.
Please pray for peace for Laura and Jon today. I know that today is one of those days when your comments on the blog will be most appreciated.
Thanks for partnering with us at the throne of grace ...
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Wednesday Night Update
Tomorrow will be a very important day as the transplant team will be meeting to assess if they are able to proceed with the Berlin Heart. Depending on the assessment, it could happen as early as Friday.
Tonight they are putting her on the larger ventilator to get the lungs functioning better.
Please pray that the Lord will flood Laura and Jon's heart and minds with peace tonight. I can't even begin to fathom how difficult the weight of the decisions must be for them. Please pray that we will be able to move forward with the Berlin heart.
Praise the Lord that Warren and Phyllis made it home safely and were able to get to the hospital tonight.
We thank the Lord often throughout the day for the thousands of people now around the globe who are praying along with us.
Please pray for Dr.'s Mayer, Emani, Brown, Lawson and Dr. John (not sure of his last name) and for the ECMO nurses as well as the nurses who provide care for Lindsay around the clock. We are glad that Auntie Moira (Meow) is on duty tomorrow and Friday.
Tonight they are putting her on the larger ventilator to get the lungs functioning better.
Please pray that the Lord will flood Laura and Jon's heart and minds with peace tonight. I can't even begin to fathom how difficult the weight of the decisions must be for them. Please pray that we will be able to move forward with the Berlin heart.
Praise the Lord that Warren and Phyllis made it home safely and were able to get to the hospital tonight.
We thank the Lord often throughout the day for the thousands of people now around the globe who are praying along with us.
Please pray for Dr.'s Mayer, Emani, Brown, Lawson and Dr. John (not sure of his last name) and for the ECMO nurses as well as the nurses who provide care for Lindsay around the clock. We are glad that Auntie Moira (Meow) is on duty tomorrow and Friday.
Wednesday afternoon update
Dr Mayer was just in and updated us. Lindsay's lungs are a wee bit better and the infection is under control (not gone). He is still very concerned about the kidneys. She had her 2nd treatment of dialysis through the Ecmo circuit and handled it well. He explained the frustrations of not having an idea as to when the drivers for the Berlin heart will be available.
Her CVP numbers are now down, but need to come up a little. Pray that the people working on these problems will have guidance from the Lord so that the numbers will be right where they need to be.
Continue to pray for the lungs, infection, kidneys and drivers. Pray that the Lord will do what He wants for Lindsay in His time, not ours. He knows the tomorrows and when and what needs to be here. Continue to pray for clarity for Dr Mayer and all his team as they sort through what to do next.
Dr Mayer said that Lindsay was the longest child on Ecmo in this hospital. She is making medical history and perhaps helping other children in the future. God is awesome and we PRAISE HIM for He is good. Thanks for all your prayers. We love you all.
Her CVP numbers are now down, but need to come up a little. Pray that the people working on these problems will have guidance from the Lord so that the numbers will be right where they need to be.
Continue to pray for the lungs, infection, kidneys and drivers. Pray that the Lord will do what He wants for Lindsay in His time, not ours. He knows the tomorrows and when and what needs to be here. Continue to pray for clarity for Dr Mayer and all his team as they sort through what to do next.
Dr Mayer said that Lindsay was the longest child on Ecmo in this hospital. She is making medical history and perhaps helping other children in the future. God is awesome and we PRAISE HIM for He is good. Thanks for all your prayers. We love you all.
Wednesday Morning Update
Good morning. Lindsay had a peaceful night. Dr. Emani has asked us to specifically pray for her kidneys and that the Berlin VAD would arrive. The heart is here, but we need to have the two machines arrive. Thanks for your ongoing prayers.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Tuesday Evening
God blessed Laura, Jon and Tanner with a wonderful day for Lindsay. What a turn around since yesterday afternoon!
Her CVP numbers continued to improve. Her urine output was good. She was very responsive today with eyes open at times and hands and feet moving!!! At one point Jon walked away and she lifted up her hand.
They did dialysis for 16 minutes today which was a big asset to her kidneys. They will do it again tomorrow for 20 minutes. It is hooked up through Miss ECMO!
The bottom line is that her doctors and nurses were very pleased with her progress today. Praise the Lord for HIS goodness and for what HE is accomplishing in Lindsay's life. This is only traceable to HIS hand of blessing and healing of Lindsay's body.
It was good to have Brian, Donna, Jesslyn and Julia Bitler here today. They were a big encouragement to the kids. We also had the joy of seeing long-time family friend, Chuck Heidel, who served with us at Sandy Cove.
PS -- A special thanks to Lindsay's nurse Stacey, and the ECMO nurse, Melissa! They were a HUGE help to Lindsay. (For our Keswick family, Stacey looks like Kim Murawski and talks like Marilyn Jalinski!!!)
We appreciate your prayers! Pray for Grandpa (Warren) and Grama (Phyllis) Groen as they drive back tonight from Missouri.
Her CVP numbers continued to improve. Her urine output was good. She was very responsive today with eyes open at times and hands and feet moving!!! At one point Jon walked away and she lifted up her hand.
They did dialysis for 16 minutes today which was a big asset to her kidneys. They will do it again tomorrow for 20 minutes. It is hooked up through Miss ECMO!
The bottom line is that her doctors and nurses were very pleased with her progress today. Praise the Lord for HIS goodness and for what HE is accomplishing in Lindsay's life. This is only traceable to HIS hand of blessing and healing of Lindsay's body.
It was good to have Brian, Donna, Jesslyn and Julia Bitler here today. They were a big encouragement to the kids. We also had the joy of seeing long-time family friend, Chuck Heidel, who served with us at Sandy Cove.
PS -- A special thanks to Lindsay's nurse Stacey, and the ECMO nurse, Melissa! They were a HUGE help to Lindsay. (For our Keswick family, Stacey looks like Kim Murawski and talks like Marilyn Jalinski!!!)
We appreciate your prayers! Pray for Grandpa (Warren) and Grama (Phyllis) Groen as they drive back tonight from Missouri.
Tuesday Afternoon Update
Lindsay is having a good day. Good output. Much more responsive with open eyes and moving her hands. She is taking some breaths on her own which is good.
Dr. Emani asked you to continue to pray about the infections, the lungs and kidneys, and for all those things to be functioning properly.
Dr. Emani also expressed his appreciation for the number of encouragement cards sent to him! Way to go.
It sounds like the hospital staff don't receive notes and cards. Would you add Heather and Moira (nurses) to your list? You can send their notes to Children's Hospital Boston -- CICU 8th Floor South.
Thanks for your encouragement! This is really cool!
Dr. Emani asked you to continue to pray about the infections, the lungs and kidneys, and for all those things to be functioning properly.
Dr. Emani also expressed his appreciation for the number of encouragement cards sent to him! Way to go.
It sounds like the hospital staff don't receive notes and cards. Would you add Heather and Moira (nurses) to your list? You can send their notes to Children's Hospital Boston -- CICU 8th Floor South.
Thanks for your encouragement! This is really cool!
Good morning from Children's Hospital Boston
Well Zach and I arrived at 3:00 AM and it is good to be here writing to you from Lindsay's room. So much has happened since we jumped in the car to head to Boston.
First of all, thank you for praying!!! God is at work, and we are excited this morning to see what this new day holds.
The CT Scan showed that everything neurologically is fine! Praise the Lord. Her CVP's have been stable, hovering around 9.
The Chief of Cardiology called Jon last night to tell him that Dr. Mayer was not in favor of doing surgery today, and wants to try and insert an additional cannula some time today.
The one doctor who popped in this morning said that while we don't know the plan for today, she is in a much better way this morning than she has been!!!
This morning devotional reading from DAILY LIGHT (just Scripture) was filled with messages of hope. I will not list all the references, but included the link ...
Pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath or doubting ... Then you shall cry, and He will say, "Here I am!" Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to Him must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder to them that diligently seek Him. Let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind ... He my cry, O God; attend to my prayer. From the end of the earth I will cry to You, when my heart is OVERWHELMED; lead me to the rock that is higher than I ... He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in your weakness. Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. When I am weak, then I am strong ... O you of little faith, why did you doubt? If you faint in the day of adveristy your strength is small. He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength. The eternal God IS your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. Be strengthened will all might, according to HIS glorious power." -- Check it out!
First of all, thank you for praying!!! God is at work, and we are excited this morning to see what this new day holds.
The CT Scan showed that everything neurologically is fine! Praise the Lord. Her CVP's have been stable, hovering around 9.
The Chief of Cardiology called Jon last night to tell him that Dr. Mayer was not in favor of doing surgery today, and wants to try and insert an additional cannula some time today.
The one doctor who popped in this morning said that while we don't know the plan for today, she is in a much better way this morning than she has been!!!
This morning devotional reading from DAILY LIGHT (just Scripture) was filled with messages of hope. I will not list all the references, but included the link ...
Pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath or doubting ... Then you shall cry, and He will say, "Here I am!" Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to Him must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder to them that diligently seek Him. Let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind ... He my cry, O God; attend to my prayer. From the end of the earth I will cry to You, when my heart is OVERWHELMED; lead me to the rock that is higher than I ... He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in your weakness. Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. When I am weak, then I am strong ... O you of little faith, why did you doubt? If you faint in the day of adveristy your strength is small. He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength. The eternal God IS your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. Be strengthened will all might, according to HIS glorious power." -- Check it out!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Special Update
Well here is your prayer assignment for tonight. Surgery is tentatively scheduled for 1:00 PM tomorrow. HOWEVER -- The kids and Jan asked the Lord for a clear direction if God was up to something different.
The reason for the surgery is that Lindsay's CVP numbers have been very high. This is why they want to get in and relieve the pressures. However, the numbers have been dropping significantly tonight and if they get down from 11 to 3-5 ... no surgery!!!
Now I think you know how to pray???
I will keep you posted.
The reason for the surgery is that Lindsay's CVP numbers have been very high. This is why they want to get in and relieve the pressures. However, the numbers have been dropping significantly tonight and if they get down from 11 to 3-5 ... no surgery!!!
Now I think you know how to pray???
I will keep you posted.
Monday afternoon Update
I am going to do my best to explain what is happening, if I missed something or got it out of sequence, I will get Jon to revise it.
My guess is that Lindsay's condition is a bit baffling to the medical team. There are issues with the kidneys, liver and lungs.
What they are suggesting is to do another open heart surgery in the next two days to remove the cannulas from the groin and reopen the chest so that they can further decompress her heart. While they are in there, they would clean out the chest and check for infection and any pockets of fluid, and possibly replace the mitral valve. All of this is very risky and they have no guarentee that she would survive the surgery (humanly speaking) because of all the risks. I am going to make an assumption based on the last surgery, that bleeding is another major risk with this surgery as well.
The Berlin Heart pump is there, but they need two drivers in place to make that happen. They do not come from Germany, but would need to be there in order to proceed with doing the Berlin Heart.
They are going to do a CT Scan to see if there is any concerns neurologically, and also another Echo cardiogram to see what is going on with her heart. I cannot imagine the tremendous weight on Jon and Laura's shoulders right now in making the decision to sign off on this surgery.
I think I can safely say for all of us that we are trusting the Lord for HIS plan and purpose for Lindsay's life. It doesn't take the hurt away. We don't necessarily understand why, but we can say "blessed be the name of the Lord." We know that whether by life or Lindsay's going home to be with Jesus with her NEW heart, He will be glorified.
Words cannot adquately express how proud the Groen's and Welte's are of Jon and Laura's courage and confidence in God through this trial. As family and friends, we stand with them now as they face a huge decision.
Let the kids know by writing on the blog that you are standing with them.
My guess is that Lindsay's condition is a bit baffling to the medical team. There are issues with the kidneys, liver and lungs.
What they are suggesting is to do another open heart surgery in the next two days to remove the cannulas from the groin and reopen the chest so that they can further decompress her heart. While they are in there, they would clean out the chest and check for infection and any pockets of fluid, and possibly replace the mitral valve. All of this is very risky and they have no guarentee that she would survive the surgery (humanly speaking) because of all the risks. I am going to make an assumption based on the last surgery, that bleeding is another major risk with this surgery as well.
The Berlin Heart pump is there, but they need two drivers in place to make that happen. They do not come from Germany, but would need to be there in order to proceed with doing the Berlin Heart.
They are going to do a CT Scan to see if there is any concerns neurologically, and also another Echo cardiogram to see what is going on with her heart. I cannot imagine the tremendous weight on Jon and Laura's shoulders right now in making the decision to sign off on this surgery.
I think I can safely say for all of us that we are trusting the Lord for HIS plan and purpose for Lindsay's life. It doesn't take the hurt away. We don't necessarily understand why, but we can say "blessed be the name of the Lord." We know that whether by life or Lindsay's going home to be with Jesus with her NEW heart, He will be glorified.
Words cannot adquately express how proud the Groen's and Welte's are of Jon and Laura's courage and confidence in God through this trial. As family and friends, we stand with them now as they face a huge decision.
Let the kids know by writing on the blog that you are standing with them.
Monday Morning Update
Lindsay' sugar levels are still under control. She is still "peeing," and in answer to your prayers, the nurse happily reported that there was only one special "package!"
Please pray for the family meeting today which will be sometime this afternoon.
Thanks again for your prayers and blog comments. Keep praying and posting!
Please pray for the family meeting today which will be sometime this afternoon.
Thanks again for your prayers and blog comments. Keep praying and posting!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Sunday Night Update
God blessed Laura with a wonderful Mother's Day. Lindsay's eyes were open several times during the day!!! That was the greatest gift she could have been given.
Lindsay's blood sugars are back in the normal range! Praise the Lord. Her nurse Ann Marie asked that we specifically pray for her to urinate tonight. Last night we asked for output and not only did she urinate well ... well their were many messy diapers. The good news is that helped with the swelling in the stomach and showed that other parts of her body are working! You go ... Lindsay.
Tomorrow a family meeting has been scheduled with all the doctors. Pray that God will lead and guide the team. We are grateful the Lord gave Lindsay another day!
Have a good night.
Lindsay's blood sugars are back in the normal range! Praise the Lord. Her nurse Ann Marie asked that we specifically pray for her to urinate tonight. Last night we asked for output and not only did she urinate well ... well their were many messy diapers. The good news is that helped with the swelling in the stomach and showed that other parts of her body are working! You go ... Lindsay.
Tomorrow a family meeting has been scheduled with all the doctors. Pray that God will lead and guide the team. We are grateful the Lord gave Lindsay another day!
Have a good night.
Happy Mommy's Day to all
I wanted to send along my wishes for all of our praying Mom's out there today (along with the many praying Dad's) on this Mother's Day. Phyllis (Jon's mom), we miss you and pray that you have a good day spending time with your other children and grandbabies. Thanks for your many prayers and blogs for Lindsay and the entire family. We love you all. God IS, has been, and will be so good to us.
Lindsay did well overnight with her output. PopPop put it so nicely, but Granny and Mommy were so glad that she "pooped" last night. I have never been so glad to hear that news. Her sugars are still high and the chest xray doesn't seem to be any better. We are praising God, though, for the small things.
Praise the Lord for great moms. I had a great and godly mom and mother-in-law who both taught me the love of God and to love His Word. What strength and comfort we have gotten from God's Word, not just in our own devotions and reading but from what you all have been writing on the blogs. Keep it coming. We look forward to hearing from you and what God is teaching you. Below is a poem my mom wrote many years ago when my brother, sister and I were young. Thanks, mom, for your love for us and God. You left us a great legacy and it is being passed on. Love to all, Jan/Granny
Every afternoon about a quarter to four, the peace and quiet ends with the slamming of the door. And then I hear familiar words in the same familiar tone, "Mother, Oh Mother, Hey Mom, I'm home."
It's "Mother, I got an "A" in Math, and was Mrs. Green a grouch. Hey, can I have a bite to eat." As the coat gets thrown on the couch.
Then there's "Where's my shirt or where's my shoes?" And I just shake my head. "There wherever you last put them before you went to bed.
But the day will come when they'll be gone and have children of their own. To hear the same familiar words,"Mother, Hey Mom, I'm home."
And to me the words will be memories, but one day when God calls His own, I KNOW I will hear my children calling, "Mother, Mother I'm home."
For God gave me the privilege of telling my children the way, and hearing them ask Him to save them and wash all their sins away.
So since each of them KNOW the Master, if first He should call me home, One by one I'll wait for their voices, calling, "Mother, Hey mom, I'm HOME."
Happy Mother's Day, mom, I miss you.
Lindsay did well overnight with her output. PopPop put it so nicely, but Granny and Mommy were so glad that she "pooped" last night. I have never been so glad to hear that news. Her sugars are still high and the chest xray doesn't seem to be any better. We are praising God, though, for the small things.
Praise the Lord for great moms. I had a great and godly mom and mother-in-law who both taught me the love of God and to love His Word. What strength and comfort we have gotten from God's Word, not just in our own devotions and reading but from what you all have been writing on the blogs. Keep it coming. We look forward to hearing from you and what God is teaching you. Below is a poem my mom wrote many years ago when my brother, sister and I were young. Thanks, mom, for your love for us and God. You left us a great legacy and it is being passed on. Love to all, Jan/Granny
Every afternoon about a quarter to four, the peace and quiet ends with the slamming of the door. And then I hear familiar words in the same familiar tone, "Mother, Oh Mother, Hey Mom, I'm home."
It's "Mother, I got an "A" in Math, and was Mrs. Green a grouch. Hey, can I have a bite to eat." As the coat gets thrown on the couch.
Then there's "Where's my shirt or where's my shoes?" And I just shake my head. "There wherever you last put them before you went to bed.
But the day will come when they'll be gone and have children of their own. To hear the same familiar words,"Mother, Hey Mom, I'm home."
And to me the words will be memories, but one day when God calls His own, I KNOW I will hear my children calling, "Mother, Mother I'm home."
For God gave me the privilege of telling my children the way, and hearing them ask Him to save them and wash all their sins away.
So since each of them KNOW the Master, if first He should call me home, One by one I'll wait for their voices, calling, "Mother, Hey mom, I'm HOME."
Happy Mother's Day, mom, I miss you.
Sunday Morning
Good morning.
Lindsay had a very peaceful night
and apparently had a better night with her "output." Her sugarh are still high, so pray that they will be able to get them under control.
I was up a good bit of the night praying for Laura, Jon and the kids last night, and thought maybe you'd all like to see the whole family. Thousands of you have seen the pictures of Lindsay, but now you have a picture of Jon, Laura and Tanner.
Today is Mother's Day and I wanted to tell Laura how much I love her and how proud we are of her. It is hard to believe that this year she will be 30! Where does the time go? We have watched her grow into a woman who loves the Lord and loves her family. She is a woman who is trusting God and who is not afraid to go to the Lord with boldness and confidence. Laura, I know that Nan in particular, would be so proud of your walk with God. I know that is a direct answer to her prayer for all of her grandkids.
"Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. Give her the product of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates." Proverbs 30:30-31
Laura, today is your day, baby! You are a woman who fears the Lord, and your family is the evidence of how God is using you to bring glory to Him. We love you.
I would also like to tell Jan and Phyllis -- Happy Mother's Day. Our kids are what they are because of the examples of godly living that has been modeled for them by both of you. "Your children rise up and bless both of you, and your husbands also, and we praise you, saying, 'Many daughters have done nobly, but Phyllis and Jan, you excell them all." (Proverbs 30:28-29)
and apparently had a better night with her "output." Her sugarh are still high, so pray that they will be able to get them under control.
I was up a good bit of the night praying for Laura, Jon and the kids last night, and thought maybe you'd all like to see the whole family. Thousands of you have seen the pictures of Lindsay, but now you have a picture of Jon, Laura and Tanner.
Today is Mother's Day and I wanted to tell Laura how much I love her and how proud we are of her. It is hard to believe that this year she will be 30! Where does the time go? We have watched her grow into a woman who loves the Lord and loves her family. She is a woman who is trusting God and who is not afraid to go to the Lord with boldness and confidence. Laura, I know that Nan in particular, would be so proud of your walk with God. I know that is a direct answer to her prayer for all of her grandkids.
"Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. Give her the product of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates." Proverbs 30:30-31
Laura, today is your day, baby! You are a woman who fears the Lord, and your family is the evidence of how God is using you to bring glory to Him. We love you.
I would also like to tell Jan and Phyllis -- Happy Mother's Day. Our kids are what they are because of the examples of godly living that has been modeled for them by both of you. "Your children rise up and bless both of you, and your husbands also, and we praise you, saying, 'Many daughters have done nobly, but Phyllis and Jan, you excell them all." (Proverbs 30:28-29)
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Laura, Tanner and I would like to thank you all from the bottom of our hearts. Your prayers and notes of encouragement have been a big blessing the last few weeks. We have really enjoyed reading cards, letters and the comments here on the blog. We are so grateful for our huge network of family, friends and many who we don't even know but hope to meeet some day- who are interceding on our and Lindsay's behalf.
The power of prayer is amazing, we can attest to this! Laura and I have felt the peace and comfort of the Holy Spirit on a daily basis. Peace that surpasses all comprehension, and a comfort that could only come from the One who created us and loves us more than we love our own precious children. We place Lindsay before God every day and trust him to do what he knows is best. We boldly ask him to heal Lindsay and restore her little body to health, but pray that His will be done, and that He continue to be our refuge and strength, the everlasting arms beneath the entire family.
We covet your continued prayer for Lindsay bear, that His will be done and that He will be glorified through her
Daddy's heart aches for you Lindsay -sleep tight honey bear! Daddy loves you!
The power of prayer is amazing, we can attest to this! Laura and I have felt the peace and comfort of the Holy Spirit on a daily basis. Peace that surpasses all comprehension, and a comfort that could only come from the One who created us and loves us more than we love our own precious children. We place Lindsay before God every day and trust him to do what he knows is best. We boldly ask him to heal Lindsay and restore her little body to health, but pray that His will be done, and that He continue to be our refuge and strength, the everlasting arms beneath the entire family.
We covet your continued prayer for Lindsay bear, that His will be done and that He will be glorified through her
Daddy's heart aches for you Lindsay -sleep tight honey bear! Daddy loves you!
Saturday Evening Update
Thank you for your prayers today. The nurses have asked that we pray that Lindsay's sugar levels will come down and that her kidneys will begin to eliminate more fluid.
Please be praying for Laura tomorrow with it being Mother's Day.
Have a blessed night.
Please be praying for Laura tomorrow with it being Mother's Day.
Have a blessed night.
Late Saturday Afternoon Update
The kids met with the head of the Cardiology department and he is still holding on to the premise that Lindsay is very critical, but not hopeless. There was talk about putting a stomach tube in to help with drainage from the stomach, but he was not recommending that because of the risk of infection. Should the kidneys become and issue, they could do dialysis right off of the ECMO machine. They are also still contemplating moving forward with the Berline Heart.
We asked for clarity, and God has been answering those prayers. We will keep you posted.
We asked for clarity, and God has been answering those prayers. We will keep you posted.
Saturday Noon Update
Here is the latest update:
The doctors have called for a family meeting that will take place some time in the next several hours. From what I can determine, Lindsay's situation continues to deteriorate will new complications. The doctors and nurses are really scrambling to figure out what to do ... they are all emotionally wrapped up in Lindsay's life. Her heart has become theirs.
My heart has been torn as well as your -- God please heal her! I don't know the mind of God for Lindsay. I know what I want -- I want to have her on my lap right now so that I can do "this little piggy" and sing "I love you a bushel and a peck." I cannot even begin to fathom what Jon and Laura are going through right now. My heart aches for them.
I do know that I continue to cry out to God for HIS WILL. After all, He knows what it is like to give up a Son. Would you please join us in praying for GOD'S WILL for Lindsay's life, for wisdom for the doctors and nurses, and the peace, comfort and strength for Jon and Laura.
Our ride has been a roller coaster. But you have stood with us in with your prayers and tears. And we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
The doctors have called for a family meeting that will take place some time in the next several hours. From what I can determine, Lindsay's situation continues to deteriorate will new complications. The doctors and nurses are really scrambling to figure out what to do ... they are all emotionally wrapped up in Lindsay's life. Her heart has become theirs.
My heart has been torn as well as your -- God please heal her! I don't know the mind of God for Lindsay. I know what I want -- I want to have her on my lap right now so that I can do "this little piggy" and sing "I love you a bushel and a peck." I cannot even begin to fathom what Jon and Laura are going through right now. My heart aches for them.
I do know that I continue to cry out to God for HIS WILL. After all, He knows what it is like to give up a Son. Would you please join us in praying for GOD'S WILL for Lindsay's life, for wisdom for the doctors and nurses, and the peace, comfort and strength for Jon and Laura.
Our ride has been a roller coaster. But you have stood with us in with your prayers and tears. And we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Saturday Morning
Praise the Lord that Lindsay had a stable night. Today His mercies are NEW -- Great is HIS faithfulness.
We are grateful for your encouragement and prayers.
We are grateful for your encouragement and prayers.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Friday Evening Update
There has been a lot of activity this afternoon to bring stability to Lindsay's situation. The assessment given is that what she is experiencing is a result on 25+ of being on the ECMO machine. There is still no definitive word on the infection, however they are giving her nebulizer treatments and antibiotics to treat the lungs.
Tonight Lindsay's output was improving and that was encouraging. All three doctors have assured the kids that they will do everything the can. All three have indicated that there is still HOPE.
Dr. Brown shared with the family that your cards are arriving, and that they are a huge encouragement!!! Thanks for writing to Dr Mayer, Dr. Emani and Dr. Brown. If you haven't, you can still do so by writing to them at:
Children's Hospital Boston
300 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA 02115.
I would also like to encourage you to write to Lindsay's nurse, Heather. I don't know her last name but you can send it to the CICU 8 East.
Thanks for partnering with us.
Tonight Lindsay's output was improving and that was encouraging. All three doctors have assured the kids that they will do everything the can. All three have indicated that there is still HOPE.
Dr. Brown shared with the family that your cards are arriving, and that they are a huge encouragement!!! Thanks for writing to Dr Mayer, Dr. Emani and Dr. Brown. If you haven't, you can still do so by writing to them at:
Children's Hospital Boston
300 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA 02115.
I would also like to encourage you to write to Lindsay's nurse, Heather. I don't know her last name but you can send it to the CICU 8 East.
Thanks for partnering with us.
Friday Afternoon Update
Knowing that hundreds of you are checking the blog on a regular basis throughout the day, I wanted to write and give you some additional information.
Please pray for clarity and an understanding of what is really taking place in Lindsay's body. There seems to be some confusion about the infection, what kind it is, it's location, and the next steps. Her "output" has slowed done and her lungs are obviously a concern. The kids have an meeting this afternoon with the head of the Cardiology Department. Hopefully we will get some more definitive information at that time.
They are trying to adjust medications where possible and are backing down the paralytic since she has not "awake-awake" in two days.
Laura shared that Jon cried this morning and said, "I just want to pick her up and hold her." Jon, I want you to know how very proud we are of you, and for the way that you had literally stood with Lindsay during the past 30+ days. Jon and I share the same "passion" for hospitals, so I probably appreciate more than anyone how stretching this has been. You are a good Daddy, Jonathan Groen.
Laura, it's hard for me to even type this without bawling. Mom and I are so proud of you and the strength that you have demonstrated not only in caring for Lindsay every day since her surgery, but being able to put aside your own grief from the miscarriage so that you can give "Bear" all of Mommy.
Warren & Phyllis have driven to and from NH just about every day to support the kids and their "Little Pink!" I know that their trip away right now is hard on them.
Jan has been there living out of a suitcase since the day of surgery. Zach and I miss her big time, but know that right now she is needed in MA to help with Tanner and Laura and Jon.
Our daughter Julie has taken on Zach's homeschooling responsibility to free Jan up. Julie, Mom and I are very proud of you ...
Well enough of the mush -- thanks to all of our family and friends who have stood by our family during these difficult days.
And most of all, thank You Lord for the way you are taking us THROUGH.
Please pray for clarity and an understanding of what is really taking place in Lindsay's body. There seems to be some confusion about the infection, what kind it is, it's location, and the next steps. Her "output" has slowed done and her lungs are obviously a concern. The kids have an meeting this afternoon with the head of the Cardiology Department. Hopefully we will get some more definitive information at that time.
They are trying to adjust medications where possible and are backing down the paralytic since she has not "awake-awake" in two days.
Laura shared that Jon cried this morning and said, "I just want to pick her up and hold her." Jon, I want you to know how very proud we are of you, and for the way that you had literally stood with Lindsay during the past 30+ days. Jon and I share the same "passion" for hospitals, so I probably appreciate more than anyone how stretching this has been. You are a good Daddy, Jonathan Groen.
Laura, it's hard for me to even type this without bawling. Mom and I are so proud of you and the strength that you have demonstrated not only in caring for Lindsay every day since her surgery, but being able to put aside your own grief from the miscarriage so that you can give "Bear" all of Mommy.
Warren & Phyllis have driven to and from NH just about every day to support the kids and their "Little Pink!" I know that their trip away right now is hard on them.
Jan has been there living out of a suitcase since the day of surgery. Zach and I miss her big time, but know that right now she is needed in MA to help with Tanner and Laura and Jon.
Our daughter Julie has taken on Zach's homeschooling responsibility to free Jan up. Julie, Mom and I are very proud of you ...
Well enough of the mush -- thanks to all of our family and friends who have stood by our family during these difficult days.
And most of all, thank You Lord for the way you are taking us THROUGH.
Friday Morning Update
We are at 11:59! These next several hours are going to be very critical in determining the next steps for Lindsay. She had an issue during the night with low blood pressures and it would appear that there is another infection. The lungs are a concern and we think there now may be an issue with the kidneys.
"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, nor will the flame burn you." Isaiah 43:2
Please uphold Laura, Jon, Tanner, Jan, and Warren and Phyllis who are away.
"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, nor will the flame burn you." Isaiah 43:2
Please uphold Laura, Jon, Tanner, Jan, and Warren and Phyllis who are away.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Early Thursday Evening Update
We are urging you to continue to pray this evening for the healing of Lindsay's lung and the ability for her to urinate as much as possible. Pray that God will bring clarity and peace to Jon, Laura, Tanner and Jan as they spend these long days at Lindsay's bedside. Pray that God will bring encouragement to them in a very special way that will only be traceable back to HIM and HIM alone.
Update.....pray for output
Lindsay was doing really well in the "urine output" department earlier, but has really slowed down. Please pray that she begins to "pee" again. Very important. Nothing else new. Thanks for praying.
Thursday Noon Update
More good news. Lindsay's lungs are greatly improved!!! Her volume is up and the doctors are pleased. In fact, they are meeting to talk about putting her back on the active transplant list!!!
The was an infection that grew out in the culture, but they believe it is in the chest tube. Pray for clarity!!!
All in all -- we are thankful for this encouraging report. The Lord gave me a few nuggets from Psalm 106 this morning: Vs. 8 -- Nevertheless He saved them for the sake of HIS name that He might make HIS POWER known. -- vs. 6 Then they believed HIS words; they sang HIS praises.
Our prayer is that WHATEVER He wants to do through Lindsay's life will be for the sake of HIS name and that people would see HIS POWER!
Thanks for praying. Thanks for writing on the blog. Thanks for writing to the doctors. We are over 20,000 hits to the blog.
The was an infection that grew out in the culture, but they believe it is in the chest tube. Pray for clarity!!!
All in all -- we are thankful for this encouraging report. The Lord gave me a few nuggets from Psalm 106 this morning: Vs. 8 -- Nevertheless He saved them for the sake of HIS name that He might make HIS POWER known. -- vs. 6 Then they believed HIS words; they sang HIS praises.
Our prayer is that WHATEVER He wants to do through Lindsay's life will be for the sake of HIS name and that people would see HIS POWER!
Thanks for praying. Thanks for writing on the blog. Thanks for writing to the doctors. We are over 20,000 hits to the blog.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Wednesday Evening Update
Dr. Mayer was in and pleased with Lindsay's progress. She is still doing well on the smaller ventilator. Please continue to pray for the on-going healing on the lungs.
Laura and Jon have also asked prayer for Jon's parents who are leaving tomorrow for upstate New York and then on to Missouri. It was very hard for them to leave the hospital. Please keep Warren and Phyllis in your prayers.
Laura asked prayer for baby Elijah who is being airlifted tonight to a hospital in Mississippi. He is seven months old and weighs 7lbs. His parents have to fly out commercial and won't get home until tomorrow. Laura and Jon have been witnessing to the family.
Thanks for your prayers.
Laura and Jon have also asked prayer for Jon's parents who are leaving tomorrow for upstate New York and then on to Missouri. It was very hard for them to leave the hospital. Please keep Warren and Phyllis in your prayers.
Laura asked prayer for baby Elijah who is being airlifted tonight to a hospital in Mississippi. He is seven months old and weighs 7lbs. His parents have to fly out commercial and won't get home until tomorrow. Laura and Jon have been witnessing to the family.
Thanks for your prayers.
Wednesday Afternoon Update
Lindsay is now on the smaller vent. They have also given medication into her lungs to help open them up. Please pray that this will keep the lungs working properly. The infection is under control and she will continue to be on antibiotics for quite awhile. All her other organs are working well. She still needs some days of resting, adjusting levels and taking off fluids. We will keep you posted. Again, thanks for your prayers, blogs and cards. They continue to be a great source of encouragement to all or us.
Wednesday Morning Update
Good morning. I am sitting in a room with 1100 ladies who are currently attending the Spring Ladies Day at America's KESWICK with my good friend, Liz Curtis Higgs. Many of these ladies have come to tell me that they are praying for Lindsay, Laura, Jon and Tanner. What an encouragement it has been to meet prayer partners face to face!
Dr. Emani encouraged us to get word of the blog to have folks pray specifically for Lindsay's lungs! In order to proceed with the artificial heart, the lungs must be clear! Please get the word out and let's storm heaven's gates with our prayers. If he can clear up MERSA, he can clear up her lungs.
Thanks from the bottom of our hearts!
Dr. Emani encouraged us to get word of the blog to have folks pray specifically for Lindsay's lungs! In order to proceed with the artificial heart, the lungs must be clear! Please get the word out and let's storm heaven's gates with our prayers. If he can clear up MERSA, he can clear up her lungs.
Thanks from the bottom of our hearts!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Tuesday evening update
The nurses have all asked to put on the blog to pray for Lindsay's lungs. They were a little mucousy today, and they will not be able to put in the Berlin Heart until the lungs are cleared up.
So please pray specifically for the lungs!
PS -- Your cards are arriving!!!
So please pray specifically for the lungs!
PS -- Your cards are arriving!!!
Boots are made for walkin' and Wheels in Motion
Dr Mayer was in to tell us the wheels are in motion for the Berlin Heart. Several prayer requests for you to take before the throne.
1. Lindsay's lungs need to be in better shape in order to switch over to the smaller vent and then to take over with little or no assistance after the Berlin is put in. This is the most importatnt right now.
2. After the Berlin arrived several weeks ago, it was shipped back since the infection was so severe. It needs to arrive back again.
3. Keeping her urine output is very important. She has been doing that on her own today but that needs to continue. 4. The rest of her organs need to stay in good shape before surgery.
Tuesday morning update

Well family and friends, here is some great news. "Output" is still good. The infection appears to be under control. The transplant team is meeting today to discuss moving forward with the Berlin heart!!! Yippee!!
The good news is that the Berlin heart appears to be becoming a reality. The surgery comes with major risks as it is another open heart surgery. Bleeding can be an issue. She will need to remain on ECMO for a period after surgery to support the lungs.
All that being said -- I believe we have many reasons to rejoice. Tomorrow it will be a month since the first surgery! Hard to believe! What a journey we have been on together. How we praise God for your standing, sitting, kneeling, in prayer to our great and powerful GOD!
I will keep you posted throughout the day.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Monday Evening Update
This was a quiet day -- I guess that is a good thing.
Please pray that Lindsay's ...
"output" will continue to improve,
the infection will be gone
the lung will continue to improve
Bottom line: thanks for praying. We love you.
Please pray that Lindsay's ...
"output" will continue to improve,
the infection will be gone
the lung will continue to improve
that God will give divine wisdom to the doctors who have so many decisions to make
housing for Thursday and beyond
Bottom line: thanks for praying. We love you.
Monday Afternoon Update
Can't believe that this is the 95th update since putting up the blog, and that we are fast approaching 17,000 visits to the site. Amazing!
It has been a relatively quiet day ... but here is where we are:
The result of backing Lindsay off of ECMO was that her heart cannot function on it's own. There was also some kidney issues with not being on the machine.
The infection and lung are better today. There is talk that we might be looking at the Berlin Heart at the end of the week or early next week.
Her "output" considers to be going well.
Do we appreciate your prayer support and encouragement?
It has been a relatively quiet day ... but here is where we are:
The result of backing Lindsay off of ECMO was that her heart cannot function on it's own. There was also some kidney issues with not being on the machine.
The infection and lung are better today. There is talk that we might be looking at the Berlin Heart at the end of the week or early next week.
Her "output" considers to be going well.
Do we appreciate your prayer support and encouragement?
Monday Morning Update
Good morning. I have been waiting to post this morning until we have some more concrete answers for you, so this is what we have so far:
1. The chest xray shows improvement in the left lung, but a spot on the right lung.
2. No further word on the infection.
3. They had to put a stitch in the left hand where the IV site was bleeding. That seems to be better.
4. They started to back her off of ECMO, but had a challenge with regulating her fluids. They have put her back on full ECMO.
The verses from the Lord for this morning: "Oh, fear the Lord, you His saints! There is no want to those who fear Him. The young lions lack and suffer hunger; but those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing. No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly. O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man who trusts in You! I want to be without care. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God ... Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith? HAVE FAITH IN GOD! (Psalm 34:9-10; Psalm 84:11-12; Mark 4:40; Mark 11:22)
Keep your posts coming! And thank you for your prayers. We love and appreciate you.
1. The chest xray shows improvement in the left lung, but a spot on the right lung.
2. No further word on the infection.
3. They had to put a stitch in the left hand where the IV site was bleeding. That seems to be better.
4. They started to back her off of ECMO, but had a challenge with regulating her fluids. They have put her back on full ECMO.
The verses from the Lord for this morning: "Oh, fear the Lord, you His saints! There is no want to those who fear Him. The young lions lack and suffer hunger; but those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing. No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly. O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man who trusts in You! I want to be without care. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God ... Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith? HAVE FAITH IN GOD! (Psalm 34:9-10; Psalm 84:11-12; Mark 4:40; Mark 11:22)
Keep your posts coming! And thank you for your prayers. We love and appreciate you.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Sunday evening update
It has been a relatively quiet day. They did back Lindsay off the paralytic this afternoon and she continues to respond.
There are several major prayer requests tonight:
1. There is bleeding again at the left hand IV site. They have called into someone from surgical to see what can be done.
2. The infection is a little better and its eradication is the key to better options.
3. The big news is that starting within the hour, they are going to start backing off ECMO and with medication support, see what Lindsay's heart can do. Needless to say, the kids are a wee bit apprehensive about this step. Pray for peace, and most of all, that this will reveal that Lindsay's OWN heart can function.
One of our friends, Dr. Judy Jalovick, encouraged me to check out the lyrics to a song from one of the latest Gaither Vocal Band CD's. The song is entitled, THROUGH ...
“When I saw what lay before me,
Lord, I cried, what will you do?
I thought He would just remove it.
But, He gently led me through.
Without fire, there’s no refining,
without pain, no release,
without flood, there’s no rescue,
without testing, no belief.
Through the fire, through the flood,
through the water, through the blood…
Through the dry and barren places,
through life’s dense and maddening mazes,
through the pain, and through the glory…
Through we’ll always tell the story,
of the God whose power and mercy,
will not fail…to take us…through.”
I think that sums it all up for tonight ... Lord, please take Lindsay through!
There are several major prayer requests tonight:
1. There is bleeding again at the left hand IV site. They have called into someone from surgical to see what can be done.
2. The infection is a little better and its eradication is the key to better options.
3. The big news is that starting within the hour, they are going to start backing off ECMO and with medication support, see what Lindsay's heart can do. Needless to say, the kids are a wee bit apprehensive about this step. Pray for peace, and most of all, that this will reveal that Lindsay's OWN heart can function.
One of our friends, Dr. Judy Jalovick, encouraged me to check out the lyrics to a song from one of the latest Gaither Vocal Band CD's. The song is entitled, THROUGH ...
“When I saw what lay before me,
Lord, I cried, what will you do?
I thought He would just remove it.
But, He gently led me through.
Without fire, there’s no refining,
without pain, no release,
without flood, there’s no rescue,
without testing, no belief.
Through the fire, through the flood,
through the water, through the blood…
Through the dry and barren places,
through life’s dense and maddening mazes,
through the pain, and through the glory…
Through we’ll always tell the story,
of the God whose power and mercy,
will not fail…to take us…through.”
I think that sums it all up for tonight ... Lord, please take Lindsay through!
Sunday Morning Update
Good morning! Trust that you will be blessed today on this Lord's Day. Here is some additional good news:
1. Lindsay had a good night. They were very pleased with how she eliminated fluid during the night, and even backed down what they were trying to take off
2. Her chest xray show more improvement. They are talking about trying to back down the ventilator this morning to see if they can put her back on the smaller unit. This will give them the ability to turn her more often.
The head of the CICIU met with the kids last night and reiterated that she is not out of the woods yet, but was also encouraged by the way Lindsay was handling things. The two biggest issues are the need to get her off the ECMO machine and clearing up the infection. As you pray, these are the two biggest challenges that she will face. She cannot get the Berlin heart or the heart transplant with an infection.
This morning in my quiet time, here are several verses that were in the DAILY LIGHT (
Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortend, that it cannot save; nor His ear heavy that it cannot hear. In the day I cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my soul. Ah, Lord God! Behold you have made the heavens and the earth by YOUR great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for You. He delivered us from so great a death, and does deliver us; in whom we trust that He will still deliver us. This sickness is not unto death, but for the GLORY OF GOD that the Son of God may be glorified through it. Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?
Thanks again for writing to the kids. They are encouraged by your love and support, and most of all, your prayers.
1. Lindsay had a good night. They were very pleased with how she eliminated fluid during the night, and even backed down what they were trying to take off
2. Her chest xray show more improvement. They are talking about trying to back down the ventilator this morning to see if they can put her back on the smaller unit. This will give them the ability to turn her more often.
The head of the CICIU met with the kids last night and reiterated that she is not out of the woods yet, but was also encouraged by the way Lindsay was handling things. The two biggest issues are the need to get her off the ECMO machine and clearing up the infection. As you pray, these are the two biggest challenges that she will face. She cannot get the Berlin heart or the heart transplant with an infection.
This morning in my quiet time, here are several verses that were in the DAILY LIGHT (
Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortend, that it cannot save; nor His ear heavy that it cannot hear. In the day I cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my soul. Ah, Lord God! Behold you have made the heavens and the earth by YOUR great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for You. He delivered us from so great a death, and does deliver us; in whom we trust that He will still deliver us. This sickness is not unto death, but for the GLORY OF GOD that the Son of God may be glorified through it. Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?
Thanks again for writing to the kids. They are encouraged by your love and support, and most of all, your prayers.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Saturday Update
Well here is some good news ...
1. They did a wake test and Lindsay mouthed "Mommy" and was able to squeeze Laura and Jon's hands!!!
2. She is eliminating more fluid!!!
3. The chest xray showed considerable improvement. The nurse said that if her left lung was a 1 today, it is a 6 tonight.
Laura and Jan said the nurses are pretty excited to say the least ... Needless to say, we are "bubbling over with hope" tonight.
God is answering your prayers. Thanks for bombarding the kids with notes today. That has been a HUGE encouragement!!!
1. They did a wake test and Lindsay mouthed "Mommy" and was able to squeeze Laura and Jon's hands!!!
2. She is eliminating more fluid!!!
3. The chest xray showed considerable improvement. The nurse said that if her left lung was a 1 today, it is a 6 tonight.
Laura and Jan said the nurses are pretty excited to say the least ... Needless to say, we are "bubbling over with hope" tonight.
God is answering your prayers. Thanks for bombarding the kids with notes today. That has been a HUGE encouragement!!!
Saturday afternoon Update
"May the God of your hope so fill you with all joy and peace in believing [through the experience of your faith] that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound and be overflowing (bubbling over) with hope." Romans 15:13 (Amplified Bible)
This verse has been coming at us from many different geographic locations. The bubbling over hope that God gives is not understandable by the world. To them it is denial or repressed fear. But for those of us who know the GOD OF HOPE -- know that it is unexplainable, but ever so REAL!
Dr. Mayer shared with the kids today that Lindsay is not out of the woods, but he is not HOPE-less!!!
1. The lung is slight better than yesterday and they are continuing to take steps to suction off the mucous.
2. The infection is improving.
3. She is eliminating fluids better (that was for you, Laurel!) but they are tweaking her meds so that she will eliminate not only what she takes in, but fluid in the body.
4. We are still waiting for a more definitive answer about the mitral valve, but there is some talk that the leak is more severe because of being on ECMO.
5. They are adjusting the paralytic meds because she is becoming a little more restless. She still has plenty of fight in her and wants to see her Mommy and Daddy and Tanner!
6. Please continue to pray about the housing situation. They have the room and Devon and Nicole House until next Thursday.
I want to thank you for writing on the blog today. Don't just visist! Write! It is a HUGE encouragement.
If you cannot write on the blog, you can send me an email at and I will post your entry.
This verse has been coming at us from many different geographic locations. The bubbling over hope that God gives is not understandable by the world. To them it is denial or repressed fear. But for those of us who know the GOD OF HOPE -- know that it is unexplainable, but ever so REAL!
Dr. Mayer shared with the kids today that Lindsay is not out of the woods, but he is not HOPE-less!!!
1. The lung is slight better than yesterday and they are continuing to take steps to suction off the mucous.
2. The infection is improving.
3. She is eliminating fluids better (that was for you, Laurel!) but they are tweaking her meds so that she will eliminate not only what she takes in, but fluid in the body.
4. We are still waiting for a more definitive answer about the mitral valve, but there is some talk that the leak is more severe because of being on ECMO.
5. They are adjusting the paralytic meds because she is becoming a little more restless. She still has plenty of fight in her and wants to see her Mommy and Daddy and Tanner!
6. Please continue to pray about the housing situation. They have the room and Devon and Nicole House until next Thursday.
I want to thank you for writing on the blog today. Don't just visist! Write! It is a HUGE encouragement.
If you cannot write on the blog, you can send me an email at and I will post your entry.
Early Saturday Morning Update
Good morning ... I have been up for most of the night praying for Laura and Jon, and of course, Lindsay Bear.
Last night one of the doctors came in to meet with the kids and basically dumped a whole lot of bad news on them. The news seemed to be inconsistent with the reports that they had been receiving throughout the day, and of course, was very grim and confusing.
The difficult part was that the doctor was implying that they were not comprehending the severity of Lindsay's situation and even the fact that they had faith that things could turn around.
If what this doctor said is indeed true, the picture he painted is very grim. The lung is in very serious condition, which means that they could also be facing a lung transplant. The mitral valve seems to be worse not better. In other words, if his report is true -- we are at 11:59.
Jon and Laura know that Lindsay's life is hanging in the balances. They know that every day that she is still here, that this is a gift from God. I do not believe that they are hanging on to false hope -- they are trusting in the sovereignty of God, and waiting on Him to do what is best for Lindsay.
My prayer throughout the night is that God would bring CLARITY to the situation. Pray that Dr. Mayer or Dr. Emani will either confirm the report or that be able to put things into perspective.
Pray for God's peace to fill Laura and Jon's heart today. Pray that He will replace doubt and fear with faith and hope! Laura and Jon "May the God of your hope so fill you with all joy and peace in believing [through the experience of your faith] that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound and be overflowing (bubbling over) with hope." Romans 15:13 (Amplified Bible)
We have said it many times in the past several weeks ... we are humbled and overwhelmed with the outpouring of love, encouragement, and most of all, your prayers for Lindsay and our kids. People all around the globe have been talking to God about this precious little girl. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
If you sign on the blog today, please don't just read the blog -- stop and take a minute to even write a line to the kids. I think your encouragement will be very important for them today.
Last night one of the doctors came in to meet with the kids and basically dumped a whole lot of bad news on them. The news seemed to be inconsistent with the reports that they had been receiving throughout the day, and of course, was very grim and confusing.
The difficult part was that the doctor was implying that they were not comprehending the severity of Lindsay's situation and even the fact that they had faith that things could turn around.
If what this doctor said is indeed true, the picture he painted is very grim. The lung is in very serious condition, which means that they could also be facing a lung transplant. The mitral valve seems to be worse not better. In other words, if his report is true -- we are at 11:59.
Jon and Laura know that Lindsay's life is hanging in the balances. They know that every day that she is still here, that this is a gift from God. I do not believe that they are hanging on to false hope -- they are trusting in the sovereignty of God, and waiting on Him to do what is best for Lindsay.
My prayer throughout the night is that God would bring CLARITY to the situation. Pray that Dr. Mayer or Dr. Emani will either confirm the report or that be able to put things into perspective.
Pray for God's peace to fill Laura and Jon's heart today. Pray that He will replace doubt and fear with faith and hope! Laura and Jon "May the God of your hope so fill you with all joy and peace in believing [through the experience of your faith] that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound and be overflowing (bubbling over) with hope." Romans 15:13 (Amplified Bible)
We have said it many times in the past several weeks ... we are humbled and overwhelmed with the outpouring of love, encouragement, and most of all, your prayers for Lindsay and our kids. People all around the globe have been talking to God about this precious little girl. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
If you sign on the blog today, please don't just read the blog -- stop and take a minute to even write a line to the kids. I think your encouragement will be very important for them today.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Friday Night Update
We are in need of everyone to start praying for a few things:
A doctor came in this evening with some news that wasn't very good. At this point I will not tell what exactly it is, as we are hoping that they can call Dr. Mayer and see what he has to say on things. So please be in prayer for some clarity this evening before they head out for the night. We are just wondering how we went from things going so well to things not looking so good.
Also if you could start praying for their housing situation. At this point they have to be out of the DevonNicole House until June.
Keep praying and will update when we have more information
A doctor came in this evening with some news that wasn't very good. At this point I will not tell what exactly it is, as we are hoping that they can call Dr. Mayer and see what he has to say on things. So please be in prayer for some clarity this evening before they head out for the night. We are just wondering how we went from things going so well to things not looking so good.
Also if you could start praying for their housing situation. At this point they have to be out of the DevonNicole House until June.
Keep praying and will update when we have more information
Friday Afternoon Update
Here is the latest on Lindsay:
1. The lung test showed no infection. They believe it is just mucous and did a saline flush. They are going to put her on a larger breathing machine to help with the lungs.
2. They were able to put in an additional line, which could have been risky with the bleeding issues.
3. They are planning to take the chest tubes out which will further help keep the chest area undisturbed.
4. They did an echo cardiogram of the heart and we hope to get the results later on today.
5. They are planning to back ECMO back next week to see what her heart can do.
This is all cool. Keep praying about the infection.
1. The lung test showed no infection. They believe it is just mucous and did a saline flush. They are going to put her on a larger breathing machine to help with the lungs.
2. They were able to put in an additional line, which could have been risky with the bleeding issues.
3. They are planning to take the chest tubes out which will further help keep the chest area undisturbed.
4. They did an echo cardiogram of the heart and we hope to get the results later on today.
5. They are planning to back ECMO back next week to see what her heart can do.
This is all cool. Keep praying about the infection.
Mid-Morning Update
God is answering your prayers.
1. They will be doing the lung test shortly, so please pray that they will be able to figure out why the left lung is not working properly.
2. Dr. Mayer stated again today that if they can get the infection cleared up, it opens up numerous options.
3. Laura and Jan had opportunity to share with one of her doctors about the answer to your prayers about the bleeding stopping last night. He asked them to get on the blog the need to put in another line today. That was cool. We are smiling that the doctors and nurses are asking us to put stuff on the blog! Yeah, God!
On Wednesday night Jan texted me a verse the Lord had given her several weeks ago: "Though it tarries, wait for it ..." Habakuk 2:3. I smiled this morning ... When I opened "My Utmost for His Highest" -- guess what the verse was for today? Coincidence? You will have to decide.
1. They will be doing the lung test shortly, so please pray that they will be able to figure out why the left lung is not working properly.
2. Dr. Mayer stated again today that if they can get the infection cleared up, it opens up numerous options.
3. Laura and Jan had opportunity to share with one of her doctors about the answer to your prayers about the bleeding stopping last night. He asked them to get on the blog the need to put in another line today. That was cool. We are smiling that the doctors and nurses are asking us to put stuff on the blog! Yeah, God!
On Wednesday night Jan texted me a verse the Lord had given her several weeks ago: "Though it tarries, wait for it ..." Habakuk 2:3. I smiled this morning ... When I opened "My Utmost for His Highest" -- guess what the verse was for today? Coincidence? You will have to decide.
Friday Morning Update
Here is some news to bless your heart. We posted the Urgent Prayer Request re: the bleeding at 10:09 PM last night. God answered your prayers! The bleeding stopped.
The night nurse said that it was amazing that at 10:00 PM the bleeding stopped! Praise the Lord.
"It shall come to pass That before they call, I will answer; And while they are still speaking, I will hear." Isaiah 65:24
"Call to ME and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things ..." Jeremiah 33:3
My son-in-law, Garrett, asked me to look up the word miracle. Here is the dictionary definition: an effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause.
Thank you for praying that God will wow and amaze the doctors with what HE, and HE alone can do.
Thanks for posting your comments on the blog.
The night nurse said that it was amazing that at 10:00 PM the bleeding stopped! Praise the Lord.
"It shall come to pass That before they call, I will answer; And while they are still speaking, I will hear." Isaiah 65:24
"Call to ME and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things ..." Jeremiah 33:3
My son-in-law, Garrett, asked me to look up the word miracle. Here is the dictionary definition: an effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause.
Thank you for praying that God will wow and amaze the doctors with what HE, and HE alone can do.
Thanks for posting your comments on the blog.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Urgent Thursday night update
Please pray that they will get the bleeding to stop at the IV site. This is a very serious concern.
One item of praise is that she is peeing more! Praise the Lord.
One item of praise is that she is peeing more! Praise the Lord.
Thursday evening Update
Jan just called with several items for prayer:
1. Please pray about the bleeding the IV site in Lindsay's hand.
2. Because of the infection, Lindsay is on the inactive list for a transplant. We need to ask God to take care of the infection.
3. They are doing a test of the lung tomorrow to find out if there is infection in her lung.
4. She is peeing better, but needs to keep it up!
I want to encourage you to pray for wisdom for the doctors. If God can show up for the prophets of Baal -- just think what He can do at Children's Hospital Boston.
There is another way you can help. Brian Bitler, our adopted son, suggested that we start writing to the doctors and let them know that they are being prayed for! I think that is a great idea.
Here are three to start with: Dr. Mayer (Chief Surgeon), Dr. Emani and Dr Brown. You can write them at:
Children's Hospital Boston
Cardiac Intensive Care
8 South
300 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
I know that your notes will be encouraging to them.
We storm the gates of heaven together for Lindsay and for her doctors.
Today at our Community Hymnsing, hundreds of our Keswick friends told me how they were praying for Lindsay and Laura and Jon. So many have been on the blog and putting them on their church prayer lists. We patched Laura in by phone so she could thank our friends ... needless to say, there weren't too many dry eyes.
God bless you.
1. Please pray about the bleeding the IV site in Lindsay's hand.
2. Because of the infection, Lindsay is on the inactive list for a transplant. We need to ask God to take care of the infection.
3. They are doing a test of the lung tomorrow to find out if there is infection in her lung.
4. She is peeing better, but needs to keep it up!
I want to encourage you to pray for wisdom for the doctors. If God can show up for the prophets of Baal -- just think what He can do at Children's Hospital Boston.
There is another way you can help. Brian Bitler, our adopted son, suggested that we start writing to the doctors and let them know that they are being prayed for! I think that is a great idea.
Here are three to start with: Dr. Mayer (Chief Surgeon), Dr. Emani and Dr Brown. You can write them at:
Children's Hospital Boston
Cardiac Intensive Care
8 South
300 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
I know that your notes will be encouraging to them.
We storm the gates of heaven together for Lindsay and for her doctors.
Today at our Community Hymnsing, hundreds of our Keswick friends told me how they were praying for Lindsay and Laura and Jon. So many have been on the blog and putting them on their church prayer lists. We patched Laura in by phone so she could thank our friends ... needless to say, there weren't too many dry eyes.
God bless you.
Prayer Request
Lindsay's left hand has an IV hookup and it is leaking blood. Several attempts have been made to stop it but it is still leaking. Please pray that the Lord will stop it or slow it down. Lindsay's nurse, Moira, is concerned. She suggested we put it out on the blog. God is working. Thanks.
Thursday morning update
Good morning.
This morning there have been several more blood clots. One of them was found leaving the ECMO machine headed back to Lindsay - so praise the Lord that it was caught. Because of the development of clots they are going to have to change something with the way they are giving her blood.
Thanks so much for your prayers. They mean so much. Please continue to pray for the doctors, nurses, and technicians as well as the family. They are doing a great job and need your prayers for strength and wisdom as well.
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