Laura and Jon met again with the transplant and were given much information to process. The paperwork has been filed to start the search process for a donor heart. Now we wait on God's perfect timing for this provision.
Jan's sister and brother drove to Boston today and their car broke down right off the Mass. Turnpike, and they had to be towed to the garage. They drove in from Lancaster, so needless to say that they were frustrated with the delay.
Jan checked in with them after lunch and Jeanne said that they knew why they broke down when and where they did. Jan assumed it was a mechanical issue that was revealed, however it was another "Wow-God" moments.
While waiting for their car to be fixed, a tow truck brought in another man's vehicle that had also broken down. They engaged in conversation and the man asked where they were from and why they were in Massachusetts. They shared that they were from Lancaster and here to visit their great niece who was facing a heart transplant. He asked what hospital and Lindsay's age.
Turns out this man is from New Hampshire, and has a three year old daughter who had a heart transplant at 22 months, and the surgery was done at Boston Children's Hospital. He told them how pleased they were with all that took place and that things were going to work out for Lindsay. Coincidence? I don't think so.
Pray now that God will provide the RIGHT heart as soon as possible.
Pray that the Lord will open some short-term housing that will be needed after Lindsay has recovered and can leave Children's but cannot travel far.
Pray for on-going peace for Laura and Jon.
Thanks again for praying. We are humbled and amazed at how many people have visited the blog today!!! We love you.
We remain IN HIS GRIP!