Jon, Tanner, and I on June 14, 2009 will be participating in a walk-a-thon in memory of Lindsay and to help raise money for the hospital. Team Lindsay Bear has been started and so far we have 15 people on our team. We are so excited about this special day because it is also Lindsay's birthday. We couldn't think of a better way to celebrate her birthday by walking in her memory and giving back to the hospital. We are in need of some sponsors to help us raise money for the hospital. Each team member has to raise at least $150. We can raise more than that but this is what they would like you to raise. Praise the Lord as of yesterday morning I have met that goal. Jon has raised some money as well but isn't at the 150 mark yet as well as other members on our team. If you would like to sponsor us we would greatly appreciate anything you can give. I will add a link at the end of this post. The hospital has made it very easy for you to give right online. If you don't want to give online you can send a check to whoever you are sponsoring and make it out to Children's Hospital Boston and mail it to the team member you are giving to.
We are so excited about this event and I am looking forward to seeing what God is going to do. We would also ask that you pray for this event and for each and every member of our team. We are also praying that Baby Groen will arrive before the walk. We are so thankful for each of them and their willingness to join us and help support the hospital. If anyone is interested in joining us in Boston and walking with us please let me know. You can either leave me a message here on the blog or email me at jonnlaura@hotmail.com. We would love to have more team members to join us.
Here is the link; http://howtohelp.childrenshospital.org/walk/pfp/?TeamID=GL0040
You will have to copy and paste the link for it to work. This should take you to our team page. If you scroll down you will see team members names as well as what each person has raised so far. Then all you do is click on the person you want to sponsor. If you have any questions please email me.