Jon, Tanner, Case and I as well as 20 other family and friends are once again walking in memory of Lindsay on June 13, 2010 for NSTAR'S walk for Children's Hosptial Boston. As most of you know we were hoping to do this last year but Case decided to come into the world the day before. The rest of the team went and walked but Jon and I stayed behind and got to know Case. So this year we will be there and we are so excited about it. In order for us to do this we need to raise some money. If you are interested in sponsoring one of us here is the links to our pages. Tanner gets to raise money this year and he is very excited about it.
We are once again starting to collect things for the Lindsay Bear Baskets. My mom, mother in law, my sister, and I got some awesome deals on Valentine's bears for the baskets this past week. We have enough for this round and a start for the next round. If you are interested in helping again please email me at jonnlaura@hotmail.com. We will be putting them together sometime in May with my MOPS group.
My Aunt Jeanne is doing great. She was in the hospital with some blood clots in her leg and arms. They got them under control and she is back home and back to work. The biggest new this week is that her blood test results from the chemo are down to 47 from 937 :). They want them to be at 21 so she can have her surgery. We are all praising the Lord that the numbers are dropping. Please continue to pray for her. I know she appreciates all the prayers she can get.
Thanks again for your continued prayers for our family. Lindsay still lives in all of us and we love and miss her all the time. Case is starting to look like her more and more each day.
We love you all!!!