Saturday, April 5, 2008

Hospital Address

Here is the address for the hospital where Lindsay will have her surgery.

Children's Hospital Boston
300 Longwood Avenue,
Boston, MA 02115

Please remember that you may post comments for the Groens or the Weltes. We will be checking the posts regularly.

Sat. April 5th

Please be in prayer for Laura. She has been experiencing extreme nausea. This has caused her to feel weak and she has not been able to keep much food down. Her doctor has prescribed some medicine to help control it. Pray that the medicine works and that her strength will be restored. We are praying this is due to her pregnancy and not from the flu.

Tomorrow, Sunday, April 6th is travel day for the Groens and the Weltes. We will meet in Boston sometime Sunday afternoon at our hotel. Pray for safety from both ends and a time of relaxing for the evening. Tanner and Lindsay do not know that PopPop, Granny and Uncle Zach are coming to Boston. It will be a nice surprise.

Pray for a great night of sleep as we have an early start to a very long day, Monday. Surgery is to begin at 7:30 AM. We will try our best to keep this blog updated throughout the day Monday so that you can pray accordingly.

Thank you again for all of your prayers. We can certainly feel them.