Today marks 3 months that Lindsay has been with Jesus. She is missed more and more everyday. Some days are harder than others and we just take one day at a time. Tanner is doing well and not a day goes by that something doesn't come up about something he remembers about her. God has been with us each step of the way in the past three months. If we didn't have him I don't know where we would be today. Tanner and I are in NJ and Jon is back at home. Please pray for Jon today as he isn't with us.
You are probably wondering about my title. When we went to Va for a little vacation we stayed at a lake house. One day while Tanner was playing in the sand at the lake 3 beautiful yellow butterflies came by us and they wouldn't leave. Everytime we were out they were out. Then I got to thinking about Lindsay and our other 2 babies that are in heaven with her and how those butterflies stayed together. Then when my parents came to visit in June the yellow butterflies were at our house but this time only one. Last week when Mom was outside with Tanner a yellow butterfly came and was flying around Tanner for awhile. Mom said that they haven't seen a yellow butterfly at all this summer. Yesterday when we were at Six Flags Mom said a yellow butterfly came on the playground with them. Everytime we see these yellow butterflies we are reminded of Lindsay. Tanner now calls them Lindsay butterflies. If you see a yellow butterfly around sometime just remember Lindsay and that she is watching over you.
We can't thank all of you enough for all your prayers, cards, posts on the blog, and for your encouraging words. We appreciate each and everyone of you. Please don't stop praying because we still need it. I would encourage you to still pray for the babies and kids on 8 south and for the doctors and nurses. You can still send them cards if you feel led. I am sure they would appreciate them all.
Lindsay Bear we miss you so much and we love you!