I am very sorry for taking so long to write a new post. Life here in the Groen house hold has changed a bit. As most of you know Case William Groen entered the world a week ago today. He weighed in at 10lbs 2oz and was 22in long. Jon and I were shocked at how big he was but happy to have a healthy baby. Tanner was so excited that he got a baby brother. We should have listened to him from the beginning because he told us the whole 9 months it was a boy. Next time we will be sure and listen. Tanner is a proud big brother and has been a big help. He likes to check on him when he cries and he likes pushing him around in his bouncy seat.
Last Sunday was also Lindsay's 3rd birthday. Our family and friends headed to Boston in the rain while Jon and I stayed back in the hospital with Case. When they got to Boston the rain stopped and they all had tons of fun. We are so thankful for each and every person that went even though Jon and I couldn't be there. Our hearts were with them and thanks to Brian Bitler who kept us updated with pictures on face book. Jon and I spent time together with Case and shedding a few tears and just reflecting on Lindsay's life. As I was sitting in my hospital bed I would close my eyes and I was picturing in my mind her coming into the hospital room to see her new baby brother. I know that she would have loved on him so much and been his little Mommy. When we came home my sister Julie, Emma, Ethan, my cousin Megan, Zach, and my Mom were all at our house. Emma gave Jon and I a glimpse of what Lindsay would have been like with Case. She was in love with him and couldn't get enough of him. Thanks Emma for giving Uncle Jon and I that small glimpse of Lindsay.
We can't thank you all enough for all your prayers during these past 9 months. Case is a true blessing from God to our family. Thanks for praying for every one's safety as they came to Boston. A huge thank you to Big Brother Tanner, Dad and Mom Welte, Zach, Dad and Mom Groen, Julie and Garrett, Emma, Ethan, Brian Bitler, Megan Goodrich, Jodi, Amber, Kaylynn, Morgan Decker, for walking in Lindsay's memory. We love you all very much and can't thank you enough for all the money you each raised and for helping us make Lindsay's birthday so special.
It never fails that you make me cry. I am sooo thankful for a healthy baby boy and I can't wait to see him again! It's funny because this time around I feel like things are different. I want to make sure to cherish each and every moment with Case!
God new what he was doing when he brought Lindsay and Emma into the world so close in time. He knew that you would need Emma in your moments of sadness. I am thankful for the love she has for both of you and that you can look upon her and see Lindsay. That makes my heart smile. :) I wish I could look at life they way kids do. Emma isn't sad about Lindsay. She knows where she is and she is happy to know that she will see her again. I am that way SOMETIMES. :) ha ha.
Anyway~ I love you and I enjoyed pampering you those 2 days. I don't get to do that often so it was nice for me to be able to do something for you.
We so enjoyed the walk and enjoyed helping the hospital and walking in Lindsay's memory! It was awesome to see all the people there!!! It was a blast and we can't wait to do it next year!
Love you guys tons,
Kiss baby Case for us!
Dear sweet family of God:
I am celebrating your wonderful news of Baby Case's arrival! How happy you must be and how thrilled Tanner and all the cousins, aunts and uncles, grandparents etc. must be! You have been in my prayers during these months! God bless all of you.
joann in the enchanted isle of PR
What a priviledge to walk for a wonderful hospital. We did have fun but we missed you, Jon, Tanner and baby Case being with us. Most of all we missed Lindsay "Bear".It was awesome to see nurse Suzanne who helped take care of Lindsay. I know Lindsay had the best 3rd birthday party ever with Jesus and all her family and friends. I'm also thankful that Jesus died for me so that I can be with Lindsay again.
I am so thankful to God for his protection over you and baby Case and for HIS perfect timing of all events over the last week and a half. HE sees the great picture and we only see a part.
I'm looking forward to getting to see you all again and snuggle with Case and Tanner.
Love to all,
It was a wonderful honor to be there to celerbrate Lindsay's birthday. I know that Lindsay was with us that day. As soon as we hit Rt 1 the rained stopped and it was beautiful. Then on the way home as soon as we got back on 95 it started raining again. It was a lot of fun and the girls had a blast. Congratulations on the new addition to your family. He is so beautiful.. I love his little chubby face.
Love you.. Jodi
Laura~ He is BEAUTIFUL!!! What a precious, precious gift from God! I am so happy for you and your family. I know that Lindsay's spirit can be felt all around this new blessing...and how precious to get a glimpse through your niece. God is so good! Children are a true miracle and I am so thankful for Case being in your arms.
Wow...what a big boy! Wyatt was 9lb 2 and this little one is measuring pretty big, too. Case just looks so perfect! Praying continuing blessings to you as you experience so many special moments with your two boys!
Love you~ Rebecca
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