Yesterday was my doctor's appointment which went well. Today I am going for an ultrasound at 10:15 to check the amniotic fluid around the baby. Then when that is done I will head over to the hospital for a stress test. If I don't go into labor on my own this weekend they will induce me on Monday morning. I have to be at the hospital at 7:00 a.m. The doctor said that I can go to the walk on Sunday which I am thankful for. Please keep us in your prayers today as we have these test done. Please know that the doctor isn't having these test done because there is something wrong. I am almost a week from my due date and this is all normal.
To top all of this stressful stuff going on, my parents left at 3:30 a.m. this morning to head NH. I just got an email that they are broken down on 84 in Waterbury, CT :). They are waiting for AAA to arrive to get them to a mechanic. I just talked with them and they are on the side of the road waiting for a tow truck. Please pray that it will be any easy fix and that it won't cost them a lot of money.
I will update later today when we know more news on baby and my parents. I have been reminded this morning that God is in control. It seems like we are getting hit from every which way right now. But I know that He is going to bring us through what ever comes our way today. Pray for peace for our family, safety for the baby, every one's stress level.
Thanks for holding us up in prayer today!!
Dear Laura:
We are praying for you. I can totally relate to your parents. If you remember when we were traveling up to see you last year at Boston Children's and we broke down on the Massachusetts turnpike. I thought we would never get to you. All we can do is pray and that is what we will do. As you said, God is in control and he knows the outcome. Keep us posted on how you make out with your tests and the arrival of your Mom & Dad.
Love you all,
Aunt Jeanne and Uncle Mark
I can so relate to being hit from every direction. We're going through that sort of thing right now. I just wrote on my blog that I know God is in control and that He has a purpose and a plan for all that is happening. I so believe that for you, too. Know that you and your precious family are always in my thoughts and prayers. There you will be, again, all day today!
Praying for you today! We love you so much and can't wait to meet Baby Groen and to see you on Sunday.
Love you tons,
Dear Laura,
We are definitely praying for you today! I'll pray that you feel such a sense of calmness! Be sure to try to take a nap everyday! We are SO excited to hear about the baby! Let us know if there is anything else we can do!(specifically) Have a wonderful day!
Love from Virginia,
Kelly Woods
As one of many who continue to follow your journey from sadness to assurance to the so very soon arrival of Baby Groen we continue to pray and to thank the Lord for the blessings of this past year.
From mourning has come morning as the God of all comfort has enabled you and Jon to comfort and encourage others.
Praying - What a amazing word when the praying is to our Mighty,All Powerful,All Wise Lord.
With much love,LVS
It does seem the Lord uses you to keep us praying! :)
That is a good thing.
Trust by now you have heard from your folks or that they have arrived!
Been there on a country road in ME with a flat and God sent a man who works in a garage by and he repaired it!! free of charge! :)
Praying and waiting and know that He is with you and all those who are praying!
Love, hugs & prayers, Miriam
WOW I didn't know that they broke down, YIKES! I am still praying for you.. I am starting to think that God wanted the baby to stay out so you can go on Sunday. I talked to your mother in law and we are going to have the baby shower on June 27th at 2pm. That way we have plenty of time to get things done and know what the baby is. I can not wait to go to the hospital and see that beautiful baby. Give everyone a hug for me and will talk to you soon. Love ya! Jodi
You have been on my heart today, precious friend! (And yesterday, you walked to remember your adorable baby girl!)
Praying for a perfect, peaceful delivery to your third precious miracle!
Love to you~ Rebecca
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