Mother's Day last year will always be so special to me. To have to spend Mother's Day in the hospital with your child isn't really fun. But for me it was a special day because Lindsay decided to open her eyes and say Mommy. I can remember being filled with so much joy and now I hold that memory close to my heart. I have to admit that I really just wanted today to pass by and not even think about it. In fact as I write this Tanner and I are in a hotel in Boston that Jon surprised me with. I don't know what the day will be like until Jon gets off the plane from D.C where he has been since Wed. I know this day won't go by with out thinking of Lindsay.
Mom Welte ~ Happy Mother's Day to you!! You have been such a big support to us this past year and through out our lives. We Thank God for you everyday and for the way that you have taught us many lessons and helped us through the good and bad times. We are even more greateful that you spent 7 weeks with us in Boston living out of your suitcase to help us with Tanner and Lindsay. We love you very much Mom and may today you feel our love and especially Lindsay's love for you. You are the greatest Granny to all your little apples.
Mom Groen ~ Happy Mother's Day to you!!! Jon and I love you very much and can't Thank You enough for all the support you have given to us over this past year. We are greatful for all the times that you and Dad drove every night to come and visit Lindsay and to help with Tanner. We thank God for you and for the love that you have shown us each and every day. You are the greatest Grandma to all your grand kids and even to the 3 news ones who are just joining our family. May you be blessed today in a special way and know how much you are loved and how much Lindsay loved you.
I hope all of the Mom's in my life have a great Mother's day today. May God richly bless you all in a special way today!!
Keep checking back in the next few days about how the basket delivery went. We have lots to share and I know you are going to be blessed.
“Lindsay Girl”
God made me a wonderful granddaughter,
Lindsay girl gave me so much joy.
She’s a precious gift from the Master,
Who could do anything as well as the boys.
I know she is with God in heaven,
A place free of sin and despair,
She’s hoping that all of her cousins
Trust Jesus so they will be there.
I’ll keep Lindsay close to the others,
Help them remember along the way,
To rely on each other and their parents,
And live for the Lord every day.
And since I know the Master,
When He calls for me to come home,
Lindsay will be right there with Jesus,
Calling, “Granny, Yo Granny, you’re home.”
Mother’s Day – May 10, 2009
Written by Jan Welte (aka GrannyApple)
Revised from a poem by Florence Toms
(Jan’s mom – aka Nan)
Laura, I know that Lindsay is up in Heaven telling everyone how wonderful of a mother you are... She is very lucky to have you as a mom. I pray that you will find peace today and enjoy your time with Jon and Tanner. They are lucky to have you too.. I love you! Jodi
Happy Mother's Day Laura~
You are a great mom!!
I love you very much and hope you had a great day in Boston!!
Love ya,
Dear Laura:
I hope that you had a great Mother's Day. I was thinking of you and hoping that you were enjoying yourself. Because of all that you have been through the past year it has made me treasure even more every second I have with Jeff, Mere, Megan, Richie and especially our precious Ainsli. Thank you for being such a special niece.
Great job sis (Jan) on the new rendition of mom's poem. I guess you are hearing those voices like me :) (inside joke) I hope you all (Laura, Jan, Julie) had a great Mother's Day. I love you all very much.
Jeanne, Aunt Jeanne
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