For those of you who have experienced loss, you know that the "firsts" are very hard. The kids are coming into one of the toughest seasons of the year, and I know that they would appreciate your prayers.
This morning I was reminded of a song written by Dan Burgess that expresses what is on our hearts as we celebrate this Thanksgiving Day.
Thank You Lord for the trials that come my way
in that way I can grow each day as I let You lead
and thank you Lord for the patience those trials bring
in the process of growing I can learn to care
but it goes against the way I am
to put my human nature down
to put my human nature down
and let the spirit take control of all I do
cause when those trials come my human nature
shouts the things to do and
God's soft prompting can be easily ignore
verse 2
I thank you Lord with each trial I feel inside
that you're there to help lead and guide me away from wrong
cause you promised Lord that with every testing
that your way of escaping is easier to bear
verse 3
I thank you Lord for the victory that growing brings
in surrender of everything life is so worthwhile
and I thank you Lord that when everything's put in place
out in front I can see your face and it's there you belong
As of this morning, there have been over 58,000 hits to Lindsay's blog. That boggles our minds. Thank you for partnering with us on this journey.
I would love to have many of you write to Laura and Jon today. Let's encourage them on this Thanksgiving Day. Lindsay Bear -- Pop-Pop and Granny love you so very much and miss you!!!
Laura, Jon and Tanner,
Happy Thanksgiving. Right now the "Happy" part just isn't there for me, but I know that God is still in control. I love you all so very much and I am praying for you every day and more so today as you walk through the day. Wish we were closer to give hugs and be together. Ours hearts will be together today.
Lindsay, Granny misses you very much, wishing to hear your little voice again and see your smile. I love you tons.
Lots of love,
Dear Jon, Laura and Tanner,
Dad and I are thankful that you will be here today to share Thanksgiving dinner with us. I know we will be so aware of the "empty seat" at the table and miss our "Little Pink". But the Lord will give us His strength and comfort and will see us through. I am so thankful for how I see you continuing to rely on Him day by day. And I pray that especially today we will sense His love and care for each of us and can have truly thankful hearts for His many blessings. I love you.
Mom and Grandma
Thinking of your family today! Knowing that the everlasting arms of the Lord are upholding you today.
Thinking of you guys today as you get through the day knowing that Lindsay Bear is with Jesus having the best Thanksgiving that none of us could even begin to imagine.
I love you guys very much.
Lindsay Girl, wish you were with us playing with the kids. Aunt Julie loves you very much and thinks of you every day. I can't wait for the day to see your big blue eyes again and get a big "Bear hug" from you!
~Julie, Garret, Emma and Ethan
Thinking of you all today as I was with most of my family and thought how hard this 1st would be but I know that God has never left you and is till taking you through each day-minute by minute.
Happy Thanksgiving--God is good all the time! :)
Love, hugs & prayers
We're thinking of you and praying!
Love, Scott and Jill
Laura, Jon and Tanner,
I was thinking about all of you all day Thanksgiving and yesterday. I pray that you all are doing well and had a blessed Thanksgiving.
Laura, thank you so much for your words of encouragement on our blog and for your prayers. They mean the world to me! I, too, can't wait to meet you face-to-face and give you a big hug!
Know that I will be praying for you throughout this month.
Love ya!
We were with old friends today for Thanksgiving. There was one empty chair at the table and then our friend reminded us that in some families that emptry chair is in remembrance of those that have passed away during the year. They had lost their mother this year and it brought up those that we've lost this year. Lindsay Bear, we miss your beautiful smile and seeing you run up the aisles with Tanner. You brought joy to so many peoples' hearts. I know you're in Heaven looking down on us and that makes me smile but I still miss you. Jon, Laura, and Tanner, I pray this week has been one of good memories and knowing the love of others is surrounding you. Especially God's love. You're in our prayers.
Susie and Steve
Praying for health for the littlest one and mom. May you always feel God's love and guiding hand.
Wow, love the new look. Having a hard time with decorating this year knowing that she won't be in front of that tree again. Love you all and wish you were here or me there with you.
Dear Laura Jon & Tanner: I remember that picture from last year. How cute Lindsay Bear and Tanner looked. I know that the next few weeks will be really hard for you but please know that we are all here for you and praying for you and love you all very much. I have always cherished the moments with my children but now even more since the loss of our Lindsay Bear and God has blessed us with our precious Ainsli. I thank God everyday for them and the precious time we have with them. Your faith and strength are an inspiration to me. We love you and miss you Lindsay Bear.
I love you guys very much.
Aunt Jeanne
Laura, It is so nice to see your pregnancy glow(even thru morning sickness). I'm so glad to hear that the little onee is very active! Maybe the little one will sleep well after birth to make up for all the antics in uterero!! haha! I will be praying for you the next few weeks too!
Laura, Jon, and Tanner,
It's been awhile since I visited, but I thought about you this evening as I was sitting here looking at the little Christmas tree we have, decorated with an angel for every year that our Kali has celebrated Christmas in Heaven. I know how difficult it is for you to face this coming first Christmas without Lindsay. There must be so many conflicting feelings--longing for Lindsay, enjoying Tanner, and embracing the gift of new life within. I remember our first Christmas without Kali--I was expecting our second child at the time. We remembered, we cried, and we embraced as we looked to the future and the birth of another child.
I will keep you all in my prayers and I will be thinking about Lindsay and your family this Sunday as I light our candle in memory of our daughter, Kali, and all the children who have made their way Home. The link below explains more.
Nancy Brown
Laura, John and Tanner
Thinking of you all as the holidays are upon us. Your faith and grace are a true inspiration.
Thinking of you.
Thank you fpr your post on elijahslegacy. Janet and Chris have not yet read tour expression of sympathy to our family, they will be thankful.
I understand your grief over the holidays ,it was a terrible day.
We managed to open gifts almost all involving Elijah somehow. As the tears rollled,and the grief consumed us, we were thankful for sleep in the middle of the night as I'm sure you all were too. It is so hard to think and talk about, but the urge is also irresistable. Each day grows longer with missing him.
Congrats on your new baby and Tanner. I hope Christmas was good for him.
Michelle Greggs
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