Please pray for the doctors and nurses who will be attending to her during the surgery. We are trusting the Lord for a miracle! Three verses that keep coming to us from all over the world are Philippians 4:6-7, Deut. 31:8 and Romans 15:13.
Thank you again for your prayers and support.
Laura, Jon, and Family,
We continue to pray for little Lindsay as she endures another surgery. We are also praying for God's guidance of the doctors hands and decisions along the way.
We can not begin to imagine what this waiting time must be like. We pray that you are all finding comfort in one another's presence and knowing that thousands are joining with you in prayer (and waiting for the next update).
We love you all very much!
Jon, Kristen, and Liam
Our love and prayers are with you.
Keep fighting hard our precious Lindsay. You are in God's hands and HE is in control of the hands of the Doctors.
We love you all very much.
Uncle Mark, Aunt Jeanne, Jeff, Meredith, Megan and Richie.
Still praying... Still trusting God...
- Jenny
hey i'm praying for you all!!!!! and trusting that He will guide the surgeons' hands!
praying for all of you. constantly. confidently.
praying for the surgical team too. please let them know, that there is a nurse in nj praying for them, and thanking God for them daily.
in my devotions the other day, i read about "The Faith in Thanks" I am feeling so thankful these days. I really like this; "Faith sees God for who He is before He has proven it yet again. It knows when God says He will deliver, He will. When He says He will provide, He will. Faith does not wait to find out who God is and what He is like. It already knows. It takes Him at His Word, and is thankful in advance."
Yep, I am taking Him at His word. And feeling very Thankful for what He is doing. praying, with a thankful heart, for what He is going to do for Lindsay's heart.
We are praying hard and am confident that prayers will be answered.
Love to you all that are there,
Aunt Lois & Uncle Jay
Dear Bill, Jan, and ALL YOUR FAMILY, I am sorry that we don't know Jon and Laura, but I am sure we have met them. Our hearts go out to you all and we have been holding you up in prayer. PTL that we KNOW our heavenly FATHER IS IN COMPLETE CONTROL and NOTHING is out of HIS POWER, KNOWLEDGE!!! Little Lindsay is so adorable and we know as she is maybe still in surgery that GOD is in her, with you all, and hovering over as a mother hen...keeping you in the pinions (the tiniest feathers)...the softest place to care for you all! This has brought Glen and us back to years ago when we went through so much of this when our daughter was born. I remember always the terrific peace that God gave me to go through it all. It is so evident that God is with you all. These are BIG trials and God must see BIG faith and growth in you all to allow you to be such a testimony to the world around you. Truly, your faith is being lived out to others who see you. Remember it is impossible for God to fail, and no one loves you more than He does. We are praying that you all are leaning very hard on those everlasting arms as He holds on to you. We are praying for God's VICTORY in little Lindsay's life!!!
Love from Lois & Walt Zigrang
Jon and Laura (and Uncle Warren, Aunt Phyll, Bill and Jan), Just wanted to let you know that we are continually praying for Lindsay. Our church family is praying as are the staff at the Love INC (in the name of Christ) National Headquarters in Minneapolis (our pastor's wife works there). I have found such comfort the verse in Romans that says that when we don't know what to pray, the Spirit interprets our groanings to God. I hardly know what to pray right now, but I know that God hears and will answer the groanings of your hearts and ours. We love you! Thanks for keeping us posted, Bill. The pictures are so nice to see.
Vic, Mary Lou and the girls
We were so touched by the precious picture on Lindsay's blog of all of you praying over her. Please know that our family is praying right along with you. We look forward to the next update. As much as you love your beautiful Lindsay, God loves her even more, and she is in His loving hands. He has carried her this far, and will certainly see her through.
Bob & Kathy Garelick
Bill Jan Jon and Laura, I have been following this blog continually since I have found out about Lindsays condition. I have been lifting all of you up daily before the throne of grace. Lindsay is on my heart and mind through out the day and I pray for her regularly. I pray God will give the surgical team wisdom and grace as they navigate inside Lindsays heart. I pray God will do a miracle here and restore her to full health. I know it's been a long hard road for all of you but I am amazed and impressed with the strength God continues to supply to all of you. How Great Is our God. These are the times we must trust wholly on Him. Lindsay is in His hands and there is no better place to be. Will continue to pray and follow her progress. Thanks for all the updates God bless you all. Jan Covelens
I am praying for all of you and especially for Lindsay and the medical staff who care for her.
With love,
Cherri Pavuk
Good afternoon Welte Family,
Max and I visited your facility on Sunday,(Keswick) just out of the blue, and I noticed your prayer request for little Lindsay. I am very familiar with Childrens Hospital in Boston. I pray for 4 differnt children, some I have never met. I would like to encourage you. God is so good. He will take care of your little one.I will keep you and yours in my prayers daily. God Bless,
Sharon Luethi
We will be with you in prayer especially during the time of surgery. We will be praying that God will be guiding the hands and minds of the team that is in there with her.
Dienne, Keith and Colby Howard
While my parents are at work or my sister is in school I often get text messages to check the blog for any updates on Lindsay. My family and I are praying for little Lindsay.
I really like the picture posted. It just has a lot to say about the love that surrounds Lindsay from her family. Not only the love that everyone has her but their faith in God. I think it is a very precious photo. (Considering the situation).
It made my eyes water.
Still praying
-Rachel C.
Praise God for He is good! The prayers of a righteous man are powerful. May it comfort you to know that so many powerful prayers are being raised up for Lindsey and your family. God is touching many hearts/lives through His precious daughter, your sweet baby girl. I pray that God's hand will reach down and touch Lindsey and your family. May God's peace which surpasses all understanding be yours while you wait on the Lord as His perfect will unfolds. May God Bless you and keep in Jesus' Name
Our hope is in You Lord!
Bill Pruitt
Thoughts of Lindsay and the rest of you keep flooding my mind as the hours tick on. Our prayers continue for God to work a miracle and watch His perfect plan unfold. I'm sure the hospital staff was touched as you all gathered for prayer around Lindsay. As we were. Love and prayers to all, Uncle Bill and Aunt Carol K
Thank you for the update and the picture. Felt like I was part of it with all the thousands who are praying.
Waiting and praying with you.
Love, hugs and prayers,
We continue to pray for little Lindsay, the doctors and team that are involved with the surgery, and the Groen and WElte families. God is with you all.
just had to let you know Bambi called me on her luch break at work to get an update. you can be sure she will be praying even on the job. Ardy (Bambis mom)
It was touching to me when a student of mine came in and asked right away about Lindsay. A student in her school has been keeping them updated, and their homeroom has also been praying regularly.
I am so glad that you all are part of God's family, and that we all can pray you through this together.
I've had you all on my mind all day and have been praying for Lindsay and her team, as well as for strength and peace for you, Jon and Laura, and for all who love Lindsay.
Shelli DeGroot,
You have all been in my prayers throughout this afternoon.
Melanie Lyons
Shawnee Baptist Church
Shamong, NJ
Still thinking about/praying for Lindsay and the family several times a day, and checking the blog frequently. Thanks for the updates and photos. May you rest in God's peace, that passes our understanding.
Mary Conway
We are praying for Lindsay and her surgeons, nurses and OR team- as well as all of you.
Much love and many prayers-
The Reeds
We are praying with you today! We know our God is able and that He is there with all of you in each and every moment.
With Love,
The Olachea's
Been praying for all of you and especially for Lindsay and for God's glory in this all day long!!!
Love you all in Jesus!!!!
Becky Stevenson
hey jon, laura, tanner, and lindsey,
Me and my family are praying for you guys with our whole hearts. my mom can't imagine what you guys arre going through. You guys have amzing faith and may God bless you for that strength. Love god with all your heart and Lindsey, may God help you through this hard time. Believe in him, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD!!!
Love u guys,
Sarah Post and family
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