Last month I took Tanner for his 5 year old check up. His check up went really well other than they heard a heart murmur. We have found out that this can be very common in boys his age but considering everything we went through with Lindsay we are getting it checked out. His appointment for the cardiologists appointment was is on Dec 2 at 12:45. The appointment was already
set up with and an echo and they will keep that for Tanner. He is going to the same doctor that Lindsay went to which we are very thankful for. We have not told Tanner yet as we don't want to scare him. Please pray for him and that when we do tell him that he won't freak out. Pray for peace of mind for Jon and I. Also pray for the rest of our family as they are worried and scared as well. This has all been hard to handle but we are putting our full trust in God that he is going to take care of us and Tanner. I will keep you updated and let you know how things go.
Thanks again for your prayers.
I was just going to write on my blog when I saw you had updated. I took my boys for their checkup today, and Ezra has a heart murmur! We are going for an electrocardiogram on MOnday! So, I'll be praying for you guys.
okay, I just realized I wrote ELECTROcardiogram. HAHA..did not mean that. Echo. What was I thinking?
Yes, I will be praying for Tanner and God's best for him and your family.
Thank you for sharing the pictures of your sons, Praise God such blessings.
Love and Prayers,
Friend of Keswick
We will definitely be praying for all of you and especially for Tanner!
Kelly Woods
"Fear not, for I am with you; be not afraid, for I am your God."
I KNOW He is going to give you everything you need to walk through this with joy!
With love and prayers,
I pray the peace of God on you and Tanner - He is so good; His arms are around you all. Sarah
You don't know me ( I know your dad), but I have prayed for you many times and prayed for you tonight. I've asked for a good night of peaceful sleep for you and your husband.
Hi Jon and Laura,
Ellen and I will be praying for you all today. We love you guys and will continue to support you all in prayer.
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