May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. We will SHOUT for joy when you are victorious and will lift up our banners in the name of our God. May the Lord grant all your requests. Psalm 20:4-5
This verse jumped out at me on Wednesday night while I was doing my devotions. I knew going into the test on Thursday that no matter what we found out the God was going to be victorious and he was. Everything with the test went very well. They got all the pictures they needed even though Baby Groen was a wiggle worm. After the ultrasound the doctor looked over the pictures. The hardest part of the whole test was the waiting part. He finally came back in and said that everything looked great. They didn't see anything wrong and everything was working the way it should. He told us that unfortunately this test doesn't pick up any minor problems. That if there was any of them we wouldn't know until after the baby was born and checked out. He also said that what Lindsay had was a very rare thing. He said that this baby most likely wouldn't have the same problem. We walked away feeling relieved that everything is working and no problems. Thank you all for your prayers yesterday. We really felt them all and we were very relaxed and had ton's of peace.
As I was sitting here writing this post I was thinking of Lindsay and wishing she was here so that she would be able to hold her sister or brother. This picture came into mind and I knew I had to use it. This is my nephew Ethan Houston. (sorry Jul) Lindsay loved little babies and she was aways so cute with them. She was always curious about them and she was especially with Ethan. I wish we had more pictures of her and him but we don't. We will cherish this one with all our hearts. I can picture Lindsay in heaven holding so many babies and being a little Mommy to all of them. I know she is really taking care of our 2 babies who are in heaven with her.
Jon & Laura, we are soo glad things went well yesterday. Thanks for sharing an update... friends who followed Lindsay's blog during her illness have e-mailed me since yesterday wondering how things went... amazing that God is still using these "new" friends to lift you in prayer... as are the "old". We love you guys & continue to pray for you as you wait & prepare for the birth of this new little one. Give hugs & kisses to Tanner... Rejoicing with you! Brian, Donna & the little Bits
I LOVE that picture and I will cherish it forever. I am so glad we took it because otherwise we would have no pictures of them together. I know if she was still with us that she would be so cute with him. I am sure she would make a great big sister. And she will be that because this new baby will know all about what an awesome little girl she was and how God used her.
I was praying all day yesterday and was waiting and wondering. :) I love you guys very much and can't wait to meet this new litte one.
Laura & Jon...I'm rejoicing with you that all things went well yesterday! I'm so grateful that you felt the prayers of all those who love and care for you. The thought popped into my head as I read about Lindsay being a little mommy to all the babies in heaven. I wonder if Baby Groen now knows his/her sister, Lindsay. What do you think? I think so!
Know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers!
Much Love,
Laura this brought tears to my eyes! I am so happy for you and Jon!! Everytime I see a new picture of Lindsay I just think how BEAUTIFUL she is!!! Tanner is going to love his new baby brother or sister! He will be such a big helper! Have a wonderful day!
Kim (Jodi's friend)
YOu're faith and trust in God continues to inspire me. Thank you God for answered prayer. WE'll continue to pray for all of you especially the little one growing inside of you. God's blessings to you, Jon and Tanner.
Susie and Steve
Dear Laura, Jon & Tanner:
So glad to read that all went well with the untrasound. We were all praying for you. We can't wait till be meet our new great niece or nephew. Thank you for being such an inspiration.
We love you all very much, a bushel and a peck, as our family song goes. That song means more now when I sing it to Ainsli because it reminds me of Lindsay everytime I sing it.
Love you,
Aunt Jeanne and Uncle Mark
Dear Laura & Jon and Tanner too!!!
Such good news - heart warming news on this cold day.
We continue to pray - thanks for sharing.
Oh Laura~ My heart is overjoyed for you! I know your peace is found in Christ alone but I am sure those good news tests are so reassuring. We continue to pray for a healthy baby for you...and for His Hope as you continue each day forward facing the future that He has planned just for you!
Love to you~ Rebecca
Praise the Lord...good news to hear...praying that all will continue to go well...may God continue to bless,Melanie Vara
Yeah!!! God is so good. Now we know the pitter-patter of the heart is good all we have to wait for is to hold this little one in our arms!
Active is good we like active kids!!
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