Here we are once again at 11 months with out Lindsay. One month closer to the anniversary of her living with Jesus. As I look back on the things that we were going through a year ago to where we are now I am amazed at the peace and comfort that we have. God has been with us every step of the way and holding us in His arms. Yesterday was as you know the 15Th which is a day that will be forever in my mind. As you may remember that was the day that Lindsay went into cardiac arrest in my arms. I actually made it through the day only thinking about happy times with her and not going back and reliving every second of that day. I was able to share openly with Joy and Jodi at MOPS yesterday. When I was on my way home I got to thinking that we can sit and think back at all those hard times and dwell on them but nothing is going to change what the out come was. So why not just remember all the fun times, her smiles, laugh, hugs, and be thankful for all those times that God has given to us. We were at Joshua Harris church on Sunday and I went back and was reading my notes from his message. These are some points that I wrote down from his message that seem to be fitting for what we are going through: 1. God uses death and sufferings for His glory's. 2. In the face of death Jesus offers himself as the ultimate hope. One of the verses that I wrote down to look up later was John 11:25-26 which says; I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will LIVE, even though he dies;and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this? I know for sure that I believe this. I know for me Easter was a hard day but also a day to rejoice. While I was in church singing I kept getting goose bumps thinking that Lindsay got to have the greatest Easter ever. One day we will get to see her again because Jesus died on the cross for you and for me. If you are reading this and don't know Jesus and all that he has done for you and for me, I encourage you to email me or talk with someone. Please don't let another day go by with out giving your life over to him.
We also want to let all of you know that we were not able to deliver the baskets on the 14Th. We had to reschedule for May 6. We are looking forward to getting them there and blessing another family. We will be sure and take lots of pictures and update when we get back. Please continue to pray for all the heart babies and there families.
Baby Groen is also doing well. He or she is very active and moves around all the time. This is one of my favorite parts of being pregnant. I am going back to the doctor every two weeks now. We are hoping and praying that baby will come before June 14 so we can attend the walk in Boston. Please pray for a safe and healthy delivery. If you could also be praying for Jon who has been sick these past few days. He seems to be getting better but slowly. I know that he would greatly appreciate your prayers.
We again can't Thank You all enough for all your love, prayers, and support you have shown to our entire family. We love you all!!!
Dearest Groen family...I am always so blessed by reading your blog...your feelings are so evident and your love for the Lord shines....I know how much you miss this sweet little girl,but like you said she was having the best Easter ever..."He is risen,risen indeed", She is risen, risen indeed" How bitter sweet, butso comforting...may God continue to bless....Melanie Vara (Whiting Bible)
Every day these past few weeks wake up and wonder what we were doing this time last year. In fact the other night, just as we turned off the light to go to sleep I said to Garrett, that night last year I was getting ready to get up early to head to the hospital to surprise you and come see my sweet niece. Man how I wish I could have seen those sparkling blue eyes look at me. I will cherish both times I came to the hospital. I miss her dearly and when I do think about her and my heart starts to ache for you I run to Emma and just hold her in my arms.
I love you and I am excited to meet baby Groen! Praying for you as always.
I, too, have been reliving the moments of the last 2 weeks. Sadness does come, but then the Lord gives me a "mind" picture of what Lindsay is doing now and that turns the sadness into joy. I am re-doing the pictures on my table of all my beautiful grandchildren. It has been fun going through the many pictures of Lindsay to pick out the best one. Her smiles, big blue eyes and funny faces make me laugh. How great our God is to give us memories to look back on and to cherish.
I'm very excited to meet our newest grandbaby in a few weeks. Another apple for GrannyApple's tree. Praying for all of you everyday and missing Lindsay tons.
Love to all,
Wow Laura. Thank you for your encouraging and evangelistic message. Mom and I have been remembering your family and Lindsay often as we trek through these 'one-year-since' days. Lindsay's short life continues to impact in so many ways. We will keep praying for you as you think of your daughter.
I am so sorry for the loss of your child Lindsay. Being named Lindsay myself, and also having two major childhood surgeries by the time I was 5, (I have VCFS) I feel that I had to comment. I pray for the best for your family, and growing up ELCA Lutheran, I understand that religion can be of great comfort during times of such grief. God Bless you and keep writing! I'm sure you are a great encouragement to many people.
I too have been going over "this time last year". It was a time i fell in love with a beautiful funny little blue eyed girl!!
Thanks for getting out the message of God's salvation so clearly. I pray that everyone who reads this blog does know our Lord. If they don't, they can never say they didn't hear. God bless you!!
Pray everyday for you and the new baby.
Love, hugs & prayers,
I want to thank you for sharing your story with me. I just came over from Kayleigh Freeman's Blogspot. Praying feverishly. I just had to post that the day your daughter past was the day my daughter came into this world. When I was young I was told I would never have kids !! Well an unexpected prize was in my midist and it came on a very special day for both of us. My daughter Annalise coming down from heaven and your being lifted up. Thinking of you!
Grand Rapids, Mi
Mother to Annalise Mary
May 16, 2008
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