Well as you can see that Dad beat me to it yesterday. I was going to write but thought I would wait until today. We hope where ever you are reading this from you are warm and cozy in your homes.
Yesterday has already come and gone but we can still sit and remember Lindsay. We had a nice day together as Jon was home all day with us. The sun was shining and the sky was beautiful just like Lindsay. We all seem to be doing well and we find ourselves back into a normal life. Although I would rather have Lindsay in our normal every day life, we are learning to keep her memory in our daily routines and in our normal lives. On Thursday night I had to go to a steering meeting at our church for our MOPS group. On my way there I found my self going back through those days at the hospital and remembering all we went through. As well as thinking and missing Lindsay a lot. After our meeting one of my friends was asking me some questions about Lindsay. I was so delighted and happy to talk about my little girl that I jumped right in. I then found myself with 2 of my other dear friends standing and talking about Lindsay being in the hospital. They shared with me a lot about what they had all gone through while Lindsay was in the hospital. They shared with me how much Lindsay had changed not only there lives but the lives of their family. As I stood there and listened to them share my heart was overjoyed. Lindsay brought one of my friends and her husband to there knees every night to pray and now they do it all the time. To hear how even there kids were involved by praying for Lindsay and how much there prayer lives have changed was such an encouragement to me. We often sit and wonder why God took her from us, or why it had to be her, or what did we do to not have her here. But then to hear stories like this kind of gives me a glimpse as to why God needed her in heaven. I am sure there are so many other stories out there about how Lindsay has changed people. If you are reading this and this journey has somehow changed you or your family or even led you to Christ, please share this with us. Over these past 8 months Jon and I are so proud to be Lindsay's parents and that God choose us. I drove home that night not feeling sad but feeling blessed that through my little girl's time in the hospital has brought people closer to Jesus and rejoicing that one day I will see her again and hold her in my arms. Psalm 16:9-11 says this; Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay. You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
We would like to ask you to remember us in pray on Jan 22 at 10:15. We will be going to have a fetal echo cardiogram done on the baby. I am glad that we will be having this done but also nervous and scared. But I know that God is going to be with us and that he already has this baby formed in his image and no matter what the results we can handle them.
We are still amazed how many people still check this blog. Who would have thought that when Dad started this that we would be over 60,000. With out people praying for us and without God by our side who knows where we would be. We love all of you very much and thank you again from the bottom of our hearts.
Lindsay~ Daddy, Mommy, Tanner miss you so much. Thanks for bringing us such joy while you were with us. We miss your smiles, giggles, laugh, and we miss seeing you everyday. We love you a bushel and a peck, a hug around the neck, a barrel and a heap, and we are talking in our sleep about you!!
Thanks Carrie, Jodi, and Michelle for sharing your hearts with me.