I wonder what Christmas is like in heaven? Is there lots of beautiful trees there, lots of lights, snow, and I could go on. A little glimpse would be nice to see what Lindsay is doing on Christmas Eve. I bet they are getting ready for the biggest Christmas birthday party ever. I am sure Me Ma is making up lots of her famous fruit cup as well as her chocolate chips cookies while Nan and Bebe are getting the turkey ready with all our favorite trimmings. I bet Pop-Pop has been making beautiful ornaments for the trees. Grandma Groen has probably gotten all her Christmas letters done which I can imagine is pages long with the growing Groen family. At least this is what I hope is happening in heaven today. Christmas has always been my favorite holiday. I have so many memories of Christmas mornings when I was a kid. I treasure each and every memory I have. I wish we could have more Christmas memories with Lindsay but I will cherish the ones that we did have with her. In the above picture is Lindsay's last Christmas reading the Christmas story and Twas the night before Christmas with Pop-Pop. I know it's not the greatest picture but it holds a lot of memories for me. My very good friend Rebecca wrote this today on her blog. Rebecca's little girl Annabelle is also in heaven with Lindsay. I love what she wrote;
I am reminded that although we may want things to be different this Christmas, they are the way they are supposed to be...because He planned it this way and because He knew, long before the first Christmas and before the beginning of time, that it was best. He loves us that much...
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16
Thanks Rebecca for sharing this because this is what I needed to hear.
We want to wish each and every one of you a Merry Christmas. We thank you all for continuing to follow this blog and pray for us. We love you all more than you know. May God richly bless you and your family this year.
Before I end I want to leave you with this poem that my new friend Jessica wrote for her son. Ethin is spending his first Christmas is heaven. When I read this the other day I felt like this was Lindsay talking to me. Jessica writes beautiful poems and I love reading them. Thanks Jessica for allowing me to share this with my blogger friends.
The angels are singing up here songs of joyous measure
Songs of a birth songs that many treasure
The tree here is enormous so full and green
It really is the most perfect tree my eyes have ever seen
God took me in his arms today and told me of Jesus’ birth
He shared with me the way you would celebrate on Earth
Mommy I am spending Christmas in Heaven this year
I want you to be happy please do not shed another tear
Jesus’ took all the children here to hills where there is snow
We went sledding and laughter filled the air I thought you’d like to know
The angels taught us all a chorus wow they are amazing
I am here in Heaven spending Christmas with our King
This is hard for you and I want to ease the pain inside your heart
I am here in Heaven spending Christmas, but we are not far apart
Sometimes I worry about you and God tells me you’ll be OK
He told me your going to send a kiss to me on Christmas Day
He tells me all the time how much you miss and love me
When your smiling and having fun I look in on you so I can see
I like it when I get to hear your laugh and see you having fun
As Christmas time approaches remember the gift of God’s son
This is not forever God told me you will be here one day
We will spend Christmas in Heaven together that’s what I heard him say
Until then my Christmas wish mommy I want to share
Hold my blanket and monkey and feel in your heart I am there
I want you to be happy and live your life down there
God’s plan for you is not done I know you think it’s not fair
So just remember that even when you do not seem to understand
Know that I am in Heaven for Christmas holding my Savior’s hand
Your Christmas wish was heard God shared that with me also
He said there was something you wanted me to know
He said that you love me ever passing day and that you miss me too
I am spending Christmas in Heaven and mommy I know this is hard for you
So Merry Christmas mommy I Love You Too please hold that when life is not fun
Love Always, Ethin Your Perfect Heart Angel, Warrior, Punk, and Son
Jessica Twigg
Merry Christmas!!!