The weather here in New Hampshire is starting to show signs of fall. Last week I started getting out my fall decorations. I got the idea to look for pictures of the kids with a pumpkin in the picture to print out to use as a decoration. Last year we got a big pumpkin and I took the kids picture with it. Now these pictures are so precious to me. We have 4 pumpkins in our patch and only 1 of them we will see grow. We continue to take one day at a time. Living each day to the fullest and enjoying each other. God has been so good to us in the last 3 1/2 months and has held us so close in his arms.
I was reading in my devotions this afternoon and this struck me. My daily bread said this; When the question is asked, 'Why did this happen?' perhaps one answer will be, 'So that many will consider where they will spend eternity.'" Trusting in the sovereignty of God can turn outrage into compassion and hatred into concern. Then I read this little saying; The Lord can turn a tragedy into an opportunity to show us that eternity must never be ignored. I also love this verse from 2 Timothy 4: 7,8 Lindsay has fought the good fight she has finished the race, so that we have kept the faith. Now there is in store for us the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to us on that day and not only to us, but also to all who have longed for his appearing. Amen to that.
We are all apart of God's pumpkin patch and he gets to watch us grow into beautiful pumpkins that want to live for Him. So I ask you are you apart of God's pumpkin patch and are you growing to live your life for Him. I know that I fail sometimes but I know that God will forgive me and that He will help me grow.
Lindsay, you will always be our little pumpkin and we miss you so much!