Side view with one arm strecthed out and one up in the air.
Our ultrasound went really well. The baby was moving a lot which was so neat to see. Evey thing is measuring what it should be which is also good news. The babies heart rate was 140, the baby weighs 9 ounces, and she counted all 4 chambers of the heart. Jon and Tanner were with me which was really neat. Tanner thought it was pretty neat to see the baby moving all around. In fact when she first started the baby put his or her hand in the air and waved. This brought a smile to Jon and my faces because Tanner did the same thing on the day of his ultrasound. What a joy it was to see another little life growing inside. God is truly amazing at what he does. We have one more ultrasound to go to on January 20Th. This one will be the one where they just look at the heart. So please be praying for that one with us. We know that no matter what God is in control and that he has already formed this baby the way he wanted.
We love you all!!