Praise the Lord that Lindsay had a good night and there seems to be much improvement. Her kidneys are functioning well and she is eliminating more fluid on her own vs. having the ECMO machine do it. The doctors haven't seen the growth of the infection or any new ones. Praise the Lord.
Please pray for the little guy, Lance (7 years old) who is in the next room. He is not doing well and has no brain activity. The family is facing some major decisions in the next couple of days.
Last night one of Lindsay's nurses wrote on the blog. For some reason I missed the story until last night. This ANGEL was walking by when Lindsay was in distress last Tuesday, and saw the look of panic on Laura's face. She was the one who ran in pushed the alarm and started CPR on Lindsay. God used her to save Lindsay's life.
This morning in my quiet time with the Lord, I was reminded that He is the God who IS -- not just the God who was or will be. Here is what I journaled:
THE GOD WHO ISThis morning I have been overwhelmed with the wonderful reality that we have a God who IS - not just was or will be - but who is ... I am thankful for the verses that leapt off the page of the Word this morning that are in the PRESENT TENSE not just past or future tense. Think about them:
The Lord IS my Shepherd - Psalm 23:1
God IS my refuge and strength - a very PRESENT help in my time of trouble - Psalm 46:1
The Lord IS my rock and my fortress and my deliverer ... Psalm 18:2
The angel of the Lord ENCAMPS all around those who fear Him, and DELIVERS them. - Psalm 34:7
The righteous cry out, and the Lord HEARS them, and DELIVERS them out of all their troubles. - Psalm 34:17
The eternal God IS your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.-
Deut. 33:27
So we may boldly say: "The Lord IS my helper; I will not fear ...Hebrews 3:6
Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you PRESERVE my life. - Psalm138:7
It is good to rehearse God's faithfulness in our lives in the past, but O how comforting and refreshing to know that our God is not just the great I WAS - He is the great I AM! Be comforted and encouraged today in the God who IS! -