and apparently had a better night with her "output." Her sugarh are still high, so pray that they will be able to get them under control.
I was up a good bit of the night praying for Laura, Jon and the kids last night, and thought maybe you'd all like to see the whole family. Thousands of you have seen the pictures of Lindsay, but now you have a picture of Jon, Laura and Tanner.
Today is Mother's Day and I wanted to tell Laura how much I love her and how proud we are of her. It is hard to believe that this year she will be 30! Where does the time go? We have watched her grow into a woman who loves the Lord and loves her family. She is a woman who is trusting God and who is not afraid to go to the Lord with boldness and confidence. Laura, I know that Nan in particular, would be so proud of your walk with God. I know that is a direct answer to her prayer for all of her grandkids.
"Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. Give her the product of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates." Proverbs 30:30-31
Laura, today is your day, baby! You are a woman who fears the Lord, and your family is the evidence of how God is using you to bring glory to Him. We love you.
I would also like to tell Jan and Phyllis -- Happy Mother's Day. Our kids are what they are because of the examples of godly living that has been modeled for them by both of you. "Your children rise up and bless both of you, and your husbands also, and we praise you, saying, 'Many daughters have done nobly, but Phyllis and Jan, you excell them all." (Proverbs 30:28-29)
Happy Mother's Day Laura! Your children are truly blessed to have you as your mother. I pray that God will bless your life today and in the future. Jon, even though today is Mother's Day, that doesn't depreciate what you do for your children in the least. Seeing you taking care of Lindsay Friday night was incredibly touching. And your blog last night is an encouragement to the rest of us. (Kind of funny that you would be encouraging us, I've heard that it usually goes the other way around). Thanks for letting us interrupt your evening Friday night. It was a blessing to see you and pray with you. Lydia and I feel truly blessed to call you our cousins and our friends. Know that the Groen Builders crew has been praying for you guys before work every morning for over a month now. We look forward to having you back home and back at work. We will continue to pray for your families safe and whole return home.
Joe and Lydia
Happy mother's day to Laura Jan and Phyllis! I will be praying again today for Lindsay to continue to improve and that her sugar levels will go down. Everytime she comes to mind I pray for you all that God will comfort you through another day of watching and waiting.
Laurie Landry
Happy Mother's Day Laura!!
love pam
Happy Mother's Day, Jan, Laura and Phyllis!
Love Lynn W.
Happy Mother's Day Laura! Also to Jan & Phyl - they are testaments to God's children. Hope this day is special for you too Jon & Tanner & Lindsay.
Love, Elaine & Warren B
Happy Mother's Day!! Will continue
to pray for each one of you thru out the day and for the doctors and nurses as they care for Lindsay!!!
Love, Marilyn
What strength and courage you are showing all mothers. Prayers your way.
Jon and Laura,
I spent much of the day yesterday praying for you. The daily reports from Bill continue to increase my sense of urgency for Lindsay and for you both.
I sent you a little note,but I am concerned that it did not arrive to you yet. Please know of my thoughts and prayers for you today.
My love to Bill and Jan. And indeed to all of Lindsay's family.
Laura, please know that you are in my heart and prayers in a special way on this Mother's Day.
With Love and Prayers,
Roger Willmore, Alabama
Hello all,
I wanted to pass on a message from Ruth York. She stopped me in church today to let me know about the picture of the whole family on the blog. What a beautiful picture. Thank you for sharing it with us. Happy Mothers Day, Laura.
Cheri Wilson
Happy Mother's Day
Thank you for making my day even more special through your greetings on the post and poems and scripture. You really blessed my heart this day. My tummy is full and my heart is as well!!
Continuing to pray for lindsay's miracle and for God's blessing and sustaining grace for all. Special love to big brother Tanner. :)
Love, hugs & prayers, Miriam
Jon and Laura,
I wanted to let you know that our family prays for Lindsay every night at dinner, and again at bedtime. Even Eythan, who doesn't usually prefer to pray, has been praying for Lindsay. It's deeply moving to hear a 4 year old lift his heart to Jesus on behalf of his friend. I pray for you all in the deep of the night as I nurse Tanner. Just wanted to let you know that our hearts are in this with you.
Jane and Paul Perry
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